Sunday, September 2, 2012

tractor show, graduation and York Days... (7/31)

After our check in day.. the next few days were filled with all sorts of adventures. Mom took me (and Camille) to an event called a "tractor show". There were all kinds of people and things there, lots of different sounds and smells.. it was also a pretty hot day, so I was glad it was a bit cloudy. (Mom said if the sun had been out, she wouldn't have brought us)...
Along with the tractors, there were these things called "engines".. a number of people had their engines running, and they made this hissing and popping noise. That didn't bother me in the least... and Mom even had me practice some "sit/stays" right near them. I mainly wanted some water and a cool place.... never mind the engines....
There were LOTS of tractors there.. of course... Mom says the green tractors are the best --- that's the kind that Dad has on the farm!!!!

We had to be careful as we walked about.. there were tractors everywhere.. but even when they came straight at me.. I just moved with Mom quietly to the side... I used to watching trains come into the station when we are in the city... so a tractor .. no big deal!!!! Lots of people stopped and talked to us about service puppies... it was a fun day.
The next morning was Sunday, and Mom said that we needed to go to church. She has been so busy all summer that she hasn't been to church as much as she should. I thought church sounded like fun, and when we arrived, everyone was so excited and pleased to see me. I guess Mom has brought all her puppies to church and her friends there always like to meet whatever dog she has. After all the greetings, I soon saw what church was really about (for me anyways)... "unders and quiet"... oh well... it was fine, especially after all the attention that I got in the beginning!!!!
And then the next day... Monday... we were back at puppy school, but it was graduation night. One of my "service dogs to be" friends was in this puppy class.. he is the yellow lab... his name is Nobel and he belongs to Mary and Scott and CCI...

The next class was one that both Monty and I worked in. Sometimes Kathleen worked Monty and sometimes she worked with me. But we both graduated with our buddies in this class...

And then, the next night.. Mom took me to an event that she called York Days. This is an event where the dog club shows the public all the neat things that dogs can do. There were a lot of dogs there and we showed all sorts of obedience exercises and games that people can play with their dogs.
Because Mom heads this up, I got to work with Kelli (Moxie's mom) most of the evening. I felt like a star with all the people who wanted to pet me and hear about my work.
Here's my friend, Nobel...
And that's Nobel with his mom, Mary.
It's been a very busy run of days... and I'm a bit on the tired side...

but always up for an adventure...


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