Today started pretty early, Mom says we're going for a "check-in" at NEADS. OK, I think, let's go.. I like NEADS!!!!
We met up with my other friends... I was excited to see all of them.. Monty, Moxie and Marv!! Hey wait a minute, I'm the only puppy without a "M" name?? what's with that....
Something was said about "going to the city".... that sounds a little scary, but I noticed the big dogs are pretty calm about it... so... guess I will be too!!!
It seemed like such a long car ride. I was very good, but I wanted to just get there. Our first stop, (after going potty of course) was to pop in and see Gerry. He's the CEO at NEADS and he had some news for Mom. I thought he was very nice and of course, he told me how cute I am.....
While we were visiting, a big gold dog came in.. I think I know this dog... Mom certainly did. It's Bogey... my Mom's last "puppy".!! It turns out that Bogey really didn't want to be a service dog... so it was decided that Bogey needed to go to a pet home. Guess who's pet he's going to be... that's right, Gerry and his family!!! Mom said Bogey is going to be so happy with his new family and if he didn't want to be a service dog, that was certainly fine.
For now, however, I am training to be a service dog. After visiting with Gerry, Mom and all her friends.. and all the doggies got together to talk. Mom said that the talking is important, and I needed to be very good. She gave me this little toy to chew on and play with.. so that helped me pass the time.
Marv is little like me... so he had some trouble "being quiet too". His Mom sat on the floor and helped to keep him calm. We are so happy to have our Mom's that know how to get us threw long and boring times. My Mom said that when we are a little bigger, we'll understand all of this and know how to handle it... but for now... we are just babies.
I'll be seeing a fair amount of NEADS over the next year of my training. Mom loves these check in days.. she says the are so much fun, so I am out to have some fun!!!!
As we were getting into the cars to go into the city.. this "strange person" started walking around the cars and peeking in. I think he was trying to scare us, but you know what... he didn't bother us one bit!!! And then when Moxie told me it was only Dave dressed up... well, that seemed kind of silly to me!!!!!
It was a pretty day in the city... maybe even a little bit hot. I can tell you, there is plenty to do and see... I just took it all in!!!! (and it sure is much noiser that it is on the farm!!!)
We went walking all about... the park was pretty nice... I liked walking on the grass and watching the piegons. I know I can't chase birds.. Mom told me that on the farm when we are around the chickens and guinea hens....
We hiked out on the side walk. Lots of people noticed us.. the bigger dogs had to do their "work" and really arent' encouraged to say hello... but me and Marv.. we can still "get away" with saying hi to everyong. And if you look in the back ground of this photo.. there's Norton!!! He was one of Mom's puppies too, but now he works for Dave...
We sat near busses.. which are loud and smell funny, but they not much more than the tractor at home!!!!
And then, after a bit, the Mom's decided it was time for a break. I have to tell you I was pretty happy about that... I was hot, and it was nice and cool. Everyone sat down with a bit to eat.....
And all the puppies went under the table. It took me about three seconds to fall asleep. I was tired... it's a lot of work out there on the streets!!!!
Marv was grateful for the rest too, he fell sound asleep next to his Mommy....
Actually, I could have slept the rest of the day..... Mom said she "forgets" how tired little puppies can be!!!!!
Before we headed home, there was just one last thing to do... ride the elevator. I hopped on with Mom and Marv, Moxie and Norton. They were there to give us little one confidence....
I was just a little surprised when it moved.....
But mostly... I was tired and just wanted to head for home. "come on Mom.. enough city, let's head to the farm!!"
and so we did... the life of..... Rylie!!!!
join us during the wonderful days of raising a "NEADS" service dog puppy --this is done in the memory of my dear litte dog.. "Moxie" who was my companion for 13 years, and brought great joy to my life
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
busy times, and seeing the vet
Hello again everyone... today we are going to see the vet!!! I have already met her, and I have un-officially gone there (to be weighed and meet the staff) but today is my first "official vet visit". Dr. Nikitas from DownMaine Vet clinic is my doctor, and the wonderful staff and vets there donate all their time and services to us service dogs. This is a really special gift and Mom and I can't ever thank them enough.....
Camille came along with us... she doesn't mind seeing the vet at all and is very calm. Mom thought that this would be a good example for me. So, when Camille quietly laid down to wait for our turn... so did I. Mom uses all sorts of "different resources" to help me learn things... and often I can learn very good things from other doggies....(I can learn bad things too, so Mom is careful that I don't pick up on those things...)
Dr. Nitikas walked into the room and I ran right over to her. She scooped me up for a big hug and I gave her a big kiss in return. She said that she won't be able to pick me up too many times, so she's going to while she still can!!!!
She checked me over from tip to tail and made notes in my "chart"... I just wanted her to hug me again......
Then I had to get a "shot"... that sort of hurt and I cried just a little bit, but a cookie and another hug made everything all better again. Yup, I love going to the vet... they're super nice there and Mom said we will stop there often... just to visit...
Thanks DownMaine.... you are the BEST!!!!!!
Pretty much my days around the farm (home) are normal... I am working on that house training thing, and being good about not touching Abbie's toys, or shoes left out in the mudroom... or other things. I am working on my obedience commands.. and just the things that all good puppies need to know. And there's puppy school.... lots of puppy school.. Mom, Camille and I go out three nights a week... so I get to see lots of other dogs. "Monty" is one of my good friends....
And, in case you don't know... he is a St. Bernard. He is 10 months old and quite a big guy. But he's very sweet and gentle, so Mom lets us play together. Right now, I am about as big as his head... so he often lays on the floor so we can play.
I doubt that I will grow this big (Mom says NO!!!) but he sure is great and I am very glad that he is my friend.
And that's about all for now... but stay tuned, there are many adventures ahead in...
"the life of"...... Rylie!!!!!
Camille came along with us... she doesn't mind seeing the vet at all and is very calm. Mom thought that this would be a good example for me. So, when Camille quietly laid down to wait for our turn... so did I. Mom uses all sorts of "different resources" to help me learn things... and often I can learn very good things from other doggies....(I can learn bad things too, so Mom is careful that I don't pick up on those things...)
Dr. Nitikas walked into the room and I ran right over to her. She scooped me up for a big hug and I gave her a big kiss in return. She said that she won't be able to pick me up too many times, so she's going to while she still can!!!!
She checked me over from tip to tail and made notes in my "chart"... I just wanted her to hug me again......
Then I had to get a "shot"... that sort of hurt and I cried just a little bit, but a cookie and another hug made everything all better again. Yup, I love going to the vet... they're super nice there and Mom said we will stop there often... just to visit...
Thanks DownMaine.... you are the BEST!!!!!!
Pretty much my days around the farm (home) are normal... I am working on that house training thing, and being good about not touching Abbie's toys, or shoes left out in the mudroom... or other things. I am working on my obedience commands.. and just the things that all good puppies need to know. And there's puppy school.... lots of puppy school.. Mom, Camille and I go out three nights a week... so I get to see lots of other dogs. "Monty" is one of my good friends....
And, in case you don't know... he is a St. Bernard. He is 10 months old and quite a big guy. But he's very sweet and gentle, so Mom lets us play together. Right now, I am about as big as his head... so he often lays on the floor so we can play.
I doubt that I will grow this big (Mom says NO!!!) but he sure is great and I am very glad that he is my friend.
And that's about all for now... but stay tuned, there are many adventures ahead in...
"the life of"...... Rylie!!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
a Sunday outing...
Daddy had to go shopping today at a big store called Lowe's, so Mom thought it would be a good place for me to go along as well. (actually Mom said she needed to go and keep an eye on Dad, he likes to spend money in Lowe's!!!) But, while Daddy shopped Mom and I played outside with the shopping carts. We walked around the parking lot, finding carts and putting them into the holders... it was fun...
Mom called this "two good deeds at the same time"... I got to practice walking with the carts, and the carts got put into their proper place. Lots of people stopped to watch us work... I trucked along, right beside the cart... it's no big deal, but people watching thought I was very good.
Then we went into the garden section. There were lots of neat things to look at, I especially liked the water fountains... I wasn't sure if I should take a drink or a swim... Mom said neither!!!!! oh well, it was fun to look at.....
Then she had me sit near these sliding doors for "hours" .. well maybe minutes... each time people walked threw the doors, they moved. I was just happy to see new people, so I didn't even see the doors......
Just another kind of cart. What does Mom think anyways... a cart is just a cart, isn't it. This one moved differently than the others, but I didn't mind....
I will say though, I was beginning to get tired. I'm still pretty little and even though I have "good steam"... I run out of it pretty quickly. Mom seems to know just when to stop, and I'm glad.. it was nice to lay down in the truck and rest on the ride home...
but, it sure was fun....
"the life of"..... Rylie!!!!
Mom called this "two good deeds at the same time"... I got to practice walking with the carts, and the carts got put into their proper place. Lots of people stopped to watch us work... I trucked along, right beside the cart... it's no big deal, but people watching thought I was very good.
Then we went into the garden section. There were lots of neat things to look at, I especially liked the water fountains... I wasn't sure if I should take a drink or a swim... Mom said neither!!!!! oh well, it was fun to look at.....
Then she had me sit near these sliding doors for "hours" .. well maybe minutes... each time people walked threw the doors, they moved. I was just happy to see new people, so I didn't even see the doors......
Just another kind of cart. What does Mom think anyways... a cart is just a cart, isn't it. This one moved differently than the others, but I didn't mind....
I will say though, I was beginning to get tired. I'm still pretty little and even though I have "good steam"... I run out of it pretty quickly. Mom seems to know just when to stop, and I'm glad.. it was nice to lay down in the truck and rest on the ride home...
but, it sure was fun....
"the life of"..... Rylie!!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
my first big outing....
Ohhh.. I was so excited to see my friend Moxie again!!!! I think she is really neat, and I understand that one day... I'll be a big dog, just like her!!!!
Our humans met for breakfast (Moxie went into the restaurant and I had to stay out in the car --- what's with that???) but afterwards we found ourselves at a model jet show. I wasn't sure what these things were exactly, but the humans thought they were pretty great, as did many other humans, because there were a lot of people there.
Moxie took it all in stride... she told me the humans do things like this quite often and bring us along so we can "get used to different things".... sounds good to me, I love to explore and see new things.....
OK Moxie, you know how to do this sort of thing... so I'll stick close to you. Actually, I'm pretty lucky, I have several grown up dogs that are helping me learn.... Camille is my buddy at puppy school... the other cockers teach me how to get along at home, and other NEADS dogs are showing me how to do the public outings....
The best part of the day... getting lots of pets from people. For some reason, Moxie isn't allowed to get as many as I do. I think her Dad said something about "being older and time to think about work"... oh well, guess that doesn't apply to me (just yet) because Mom let me get all the attention I wanted.
(Moxie couldn't help herself, and just had to sneak in a pet or two.... we love people you know!!!)
The day was starting to get long, and I was running out of steam. Mom says tired puppies are good puppies, (whatever that means).. I was happy to rest on Moxie....
There was one special person we ran into at the jet show. This is my doctor!!!! And next week I am going in to visit with her. She was so happy to meet me and wanted to pick me up and hug me (while she still can!!!)
The jets put on a nice show (they make funny sounds).. I pretty much slept threw that part. And heading for home, Mom had to carry me out... I was really tired. Mom said I had done my "first field trip" and did it very well. That sounds like good news, and I like field trips.. so bring 'em on...
and that's how it goes, the life of....... Rylie
Our humans met for breakfast (Moxie went into the restaurant and I had to stay out in the car --- what's with that???) but afterwards we found ourselves at a model jet show. I wasn't sure what these things were exactly, but the humans thought they were pretty great, as did many other humans, because there were a lot of people there.
Moxie took it all in stride... she told me the humans do things like this quite often and bring us along so we can "get used to different things".... sounds good to me, I love to explore and see new things.....
OK Moxie, you know how to do this sort of thing... so I'll stick close to you. Actually, I'm pretty lucky, I have several grown up dogs that are helping me learn.... Camille is my buddy at puppy school... the other cockers teach me how to get along at home, and other NEADS dogs are showing me how to do the public outings....
The best part of the day... getting lots of pets from people. For some reason, Moxie isn't allowed to get as many as I do. I think her Dad said something about "being older and time to think about work"... oh well, guess that doesn't apply to me (just yet) because Mom let me get all the attention I wanted.
(Moxie couldn't help herself, and just had to sneak in a pet or two.... we love people you know!!!)
The day was starting to get long, and I was running out of steam. Mom says tired puppies are good puppies, (whatever that means).. I was happy to rest on Moxie....
There was one special person we ran into at the jet show. This is my doctor!!!! And next week I am going in to visit with her. She was so happy to meet me and wanted to pick me up and hug me (while she still can!!!)
The jets put on a nice show (they make funny sounds).. I pretty much slept threw that part. And heading for home, Mom had to carry me out... I was really tired. Mom said I had done my "first field trip" and did it very well. That sounds like good news, and I like field trips.. so bring 'em on...
and that's how it goes, the life of....... Rylie
Thursday, September 13, 2012
puppy classes and new friends...
Goodness, it seems that my Mom wastes no time. I am already in puppy classes!!! well, I am in ONE puppy class and the rest I either just sit and watch Mom teach, or she takes me out and I get to "demo" the things she is teaching. Either way... it's fun, and I am making all kinds of new friends.
Pretty neat how we dogs come in so many shapes, sizes and colors.... but one thing I am seeing... underneath... we are still just puppies...

Camille told me that once you start puppy classes with Mom... you never leave!!! She has been doing puppy classes since she was a few months old (like me) and she still has to go to them each week. Hunter, Trevor and Tazzy don't go.. so I wonder... is Camille and I super smart ... or not...
hummm a good question to ponder...
such is "the life of"...... Rylie!!!!
Pretty neat how we dogs come in so many shapes, sizes and colors.... but one thing I am seeing... underneath... we are still just puppies...
Camille told me that once you start puppy classes with Mom... you never leave!!! She has been doing puppy classes since she was a few months old (like me) and she still has to go to them each week. Hunter, Trevor and Tazzy don't go.. so I wonder... is Camille and I super smart ... or not...
hummm a good question to ponder...
such is "the life of"...... Rylie!!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
busy week....
This "lesson" according to my bff, Abbie is called "drop it"... everytime I grab my leash and pull, Mom says "drop it".. and now Abbie does the same. I didn't know she was a dog trainer too!!!!
I thought that I had met everyone, but it turns out there are a lot of members in our family. Both human and k9... and today I met Kass, Nate and their dogs, Charlie and Banjo. Plus I met all of Nate's family... goodness we have a big group....(but everyone thinks I'm cute and that's all I need to know)
Abbie loves to talk about me... and here she is telling "Tee-tee" (aka Kass) all about me and how she is helping out. She's pretty proud of me.....
I'm getting a little bigger. When I came (just a very short time ago) I was smaller than Camille... now we're the same size. Camille know alot about puppies.. she loves me and yet, I don't get away with anything around her. Mom says that Camille is her "right hand gal" and they do everything together. I'm thinking Camille is the dog I want to get "in good with"....
A few days later, we met with another whole side of the family. This is Amy... she is kind of new to the family too... she lives with Meme and Beepa (Mom's parents)... so I'll be seeing alot of her. Amy may be small, but she told me she's older and to mind my manner (I sure will!!!)
This is Beepa, and Naomi... giving me hugs and checking me out...
Naomi loves dog.. actually everyone in this family loves dogs!!! (guess that's where my Mom learned it)... Naomi said she couldn't believe that my Mom has another service dog to raise (so there have been ones before me???) but, I'm not worrying about that.. I'm just enjoying life as it comes.... Rylie...
I thought that I had met everyone, but it turns out there are a lot of members in our family. Both human and k9... and today I met Kass, Nate and their dogs, Charlie and Banjo. Plus I met all of Nate's family... goodness we have a big group....(but everyone thinks I'm cute and that's all I need to know)
Abbie loves to talk about me... and here she is telling "Tee-tee" (aka Kass) all about me and how she is helping out. She's pretty proud of me.....
I'm getting a little bigger. When I came (just a very short time ago) I was smaller than Camille... now we're the same size. Camille know alot about puppies.. she loves me and yet, I don't get away with anything around her. Mom says that Camille is her "right hand gal" and they do everything together. I'm thinking Camille is the dog I want to get "in good with"....
A few days later, we met with another whole side of the family. This is Amy... she is kind of new to the family too... she lives with Meme and Beepa (Mom's parents)... so I'll be seeing alot of her. Amy may be small, but she told me she's older and to mind my manner (I sure will!!!)
This is Beepa, and Naomi... giving me hugs and checking me out...
Naomi loves dog.. actually everyone in this family loves dogs!!! (guess that's where my Mom learned it)... Naomi said she couldn't believe that my Mom has another service dog to raise (so there have been ones before me???) but, I'm not worrying about that.. I'm just enjoying life as it comes.... Rylie...
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