Now, my little friend, Naomi (who is Mom's niece and was at my house for Thanksgiving).. was going to be in the parade. She would be riding on a float, I was just so happy to see her and meet some of her friends... I like kids, and they always seem to like me too....
There were other floats as well... I thought they were fun to look at, which pleased Mom... (I guess these sorts of thing will frighten some dogs).... but they didn't trouble me... even this one with the big "snow monster" on it...
It began to get quite cold... Camille wasn't very Deb picked her up ...
Moxie and I were a little cold too, but we didn't get picked up like Camille. Mom and Rick (Moxie's dad) kept checking to make sure we didn't get too cold.... but I would have liked to been held....
The parade was fun. We met a lot of people, and watched as all sorts of different things went by. There were lots of floats, people singing, other animals (including some mini horses)....
And firetrucks... with lots of flashing lights and really loud sounds. Moxie and I just watched....
After the parade we went back to Kassy's house... and I was very surprised to find something new there.... they have a tree inside their house!!!! Mom called it a Christmas tree and said that we're going to get one for our house. I liked the tree and I was happy to lay near it and warm up from being outside....
Rick brought Moxie over to lay with me... and we had a nice time visiting together, warming up and looking at the tree, the humans had warm things to drink and good food to eat to help them warm up....
And is this fair??? Moxie and I lay nicely on the floor and look at Camille.... in Deb's lap, and Charlie getting read to jump up on the couch. Moxie and I are told that "service puppies don't get on the furniture".. but "regular" puppies can?? is this fair????
Oh well... I guess I do get to go places that Camille can't... and I do special things that Camille doesn't.. so maybe it's OK she is on the furniture and I'm not.....
The next day, we went to get that Christmas tree that Mom told me about... Abbie went ahead to find the perfect one... the humans cut it down, put it in the back of the truck....
They brought it in the house, just like the one at Kassy's. Mom says it has to be "decorated".. but I think it looks pretty nice just being inside. I'm still not so sure "why" we have a tree in the house... but I am beginning to see that my humans.. do all sorts of "silly" things....
as always... it's the life with.... Rylie...
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