While Mom stayed inside and rested, the family got very busy.... my family heats the house with wood.. and Dad built this woodshed last fall, but they didn't have the chance to get all the wood inside. So, with the big storm on it's way, everyone decided that the wood must get under cover. They spent the whole day getting every piece inside.
I got to spend the day playing.... Mom put Max, Sandy and I outside and let us enjoy the snow. It was great fun running in the snow with friends.....
Towards supper time the snow came in with a great wind.... I love the snow, but I have never seen it like this....It was very blowy and the snow was alot....
We couldn't even see the end of the driveway.... Mom called it a "white out"..... Dad went out to plow, just to try and stay ahead of the snow..... it was a little scary and fun all at the same time.
Mom was feeling a little better at supper time and she and Dad went down to the barn to take care of the animals there. Annabelle - the barn cat - was all snuggled in her bed... she knew how to stay warm and dry in a storm.....
The horses seem to like the snow too... they have great thick coats and they like to stand out side. When Tonka came in for his supper, his feet were covered in the snow....
The big barn doors were closed.... and everyone was inside, warm and cozy to wait out the snow.....
The life with.... Rylie.....
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