We went to Moxie's house first, and picked up her, along with her Mom and Dad... so, at least I wasn't going to be without any other dogs. We rode ALL day in the car. Our humans stopped many times to give everyone a break, but it was way into the dark before we got to where we were going. Everyone was very tired after that long ride, so Mom fed me and took me out to potty. She said that we were "in the city" and that I might have to find a potty spot that didn't have any grass.... really.... no grass. It took me a little time to find the "right" spot to go, and Mom said I had to get used to this, because while we were "in the city".. this is how it was going to be. Even though it was dark and I couldn't see things very well, I can tell you it was filled with all kinds of smells and noise... lots of noise, certainly nothing like the quiet that we have on the farm. We were also staying in a motel, and any time we had to go out, we had to ride on an elevator. At first Mom was nervous about this, just because I am still "little" and sometimes, when I have to "go".. it needs to be done very quickly. Well,having to ride in an elevator meant I might not get to do it quickly. Mom said I had to be very very good, because this motel doesn't "allow" dogs, and we were there only because we were (are) service dogs. I can tell you, I was perfect the whole time we were there.. and Mom was very proud of me.
The next morning, Mom said we were heading into the real city. I had no idea because I thought we were in the "real city".. but the place she was talking about is called Washington DC... our country's capital. We didn't go in the car... we walked to this place where the "metro" comes in... that's big train. Now, I have been near a train when we go to NEADS, but I had never ridden on one before. Mom and Dad have never ridden a train either, so it was a new thing for all of us.!!!
The train came rushing into the station with a big "whoosh" sound. Mom worried that I might be upset by that.. but it wasn't any big deal. However, once we were on the train and I was squished under the seats, I was just a little worried... but Dad said everything was OK.. and Moxie wasn't worried, so I decided it would be just fine.
When we got off the train, this is what faced us next. I'll tell you, this "city" is filled with all kinds of new things!!! This is an escalator, and service puppies aren't suppose to ride on them. Mom tried to find an elevator for us to use, but none seemed to be close by.. so, she picked me up and held me while we rode up the stairs. I thought this was strange, but I have a feeling that there are going to be many strange things to see before this trip is done.
Once we were up on the street, it was just wonderful. The city was very busy, but the people all around us seemed to love us. The weather was amazing, certainly not the cold that we have at home.. Mom said it felt like spring (which I don't know about yet).... We had to do a bit of walking and then came to this beautiful park. Mom called it the "Mall".. and said we had many things to look at... memorials she said. Our first stop was at the Vietnam Memorial... here we stopped to get a picture of the three service dogs who made the trip.. Me, Vicki and Moxie....
We walked along this long --- very long --- black wall. There were a lot of people here, but it was so quiet. People talked in soft voices and sometimes I heard someone crying. Many people stopped and talked with us, asking all about us and NEADS and just wanting to hug us. I didn't mind, and somehow I began to think that I had some special work to do, other than just handle the trip. It was odd....
The wall has many, many names on it. Mom said they are the names of people who risked their lives for our country. There were so many, and Mom took this photo, which shows me in front of one panel of names. Mom said that one day, I could be a "veteran's service dog" (or any kind of service dog).. but I think I am beginning to understand that I might have a really important job to do one day....
We went from memorial to memorial on this day. One of them - the Lincoln memorial is huge.. we had to climb so many steps to reach the top... but it was beautiful. This is me, Dad and Mom with the Washington monument in the back ground... everyone was having such a good time....
I might be a country dog right now... but I think I look pretty good in the city too..... "hello Washington DC!!!"
Rick and Moxie.... Mom and me, taking a little break, enjoying the warm weather and all the sights and sounds.....
Here's a nice photo of Dad and me, Moxie and Kelli.... (they hardly get their pictures taken). For the humans, seeing the city and all it's place was very exciting. For Moxie and me, it presented an amazing training opportunity... and our humans said we handled everything perfectly.
Our nation's capital is an amazing place.. Mom said it would be neat if she could bring all her service puppies here when they are with her. She said there are so many things here that we were never be able to experience being on the farm..... but, that's what puppy raisers do.. they look to practice in all sorts of places, helping us to be brave and strong.
I don't think there are too many dogs out there that get to see places like this....
But let me say one thing... it's very tiring and you can be sure, by the end of the day... we both crashed. Good thing, because I understand that tomorrow is going to be even busier!!!!
it's an exiting ... life with ... Rylie!!!!
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