My Mom seems so happy with all this change and we spend lots of time outside. There is so many new things to look at, even in my own yard!!!!
Mom said, it's the perfect time of year to do puppy training.. funny thing... she is always doing puppy training, so I don't really knows what she is talking about...
Maybe she means things like this.... a "field trip" which brings me to yet another new place with lots of things going on. Since I like people and "adventure"... it's all good with me. This place she called Harvestfest....
Hummmm... so much to see and do, where does one begin.......
Ya, Abbie was there... she told me all about everything that was going on. I figure if Abbie thinks this is fun... then I do too....
And with so many people, you just have to know that I am going to say hello... Mom likes it when people notice me.. sometimes, but she also finds it hard to do things herself, because so many people want to talk. Since we need to be good ambassadors too... you can't not stop to talk, but it has it's cons...
Here comes the horses... I see them everyday, so I hardly noticed them.. until other dogs began barking and being silly. Mom shook her head at them (the dogs) and said that she is happy that the horses didn't care. But these are "just" horses, they belong to Becky and Butch... good friends to Mom and Dad....
So, Mom went over to visit with Butch and he (as he always does) had Mom hop up in the big wagon with him to chat while he took people for a ride.
Now, I am very used to horses, from ground level. But I have to tell you, sitting up so high in the wagon... being higher than the horses themselves (who are huge by the way).. and then the feeling you get when the move... well, I wasn't so sure that was a good idea. Mom just laughed, gave me a hug and said everything would be just fine.
She was right, after a few trips threw town, I settled down and actually took a little nap. So, check that one off the list "riding behind a team of horses"... easy peasey!!!!
"look out Mom" here they come....
life with ... Rylie!!!!!
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