So, I just did what Mom needed me to do... lay quietly and watch to see what happens.
Monty and Kathleen were with us as well - so was Camille. Monty understood right away what "church" means, and he settled right down and was very quiet.... so I did the same thing, and Camille did too....But while we were "waiting".. I knew right away there was yet another dog in church......
And just as I was wondering "who" this other dog was.. she came to meet us!!! She was extremely happy and seemed to know Mom and Kathleen... they certainly knew her, because I her my Mom say "Hello G girl," and she gave this dog a big hug. I might have been a bit jealous, but this dog was so sweet and friendly that I liked her right away....
And "who" is she you might ask... well, it was Ginger!!! One of Mom's other "service puppies". She is all grown up and working as a REAL service dog (she wears a red vest)...and her job is a ministry dog!!! Mom and Kathleen wanted to visit Ginger in her church and see how she was doing...
Pastor Jane (Ginger's real mom) was so happy to see us all and we felt extremely welcomed in the church. Pastor Jane had so many stories to tell Mom about Ginger.. they have been very busy in their work. Mom just smiled and cried at the same time hearing all the stories about Ginger... she said that Ginger had the perfect job for herself.. and Mom hopes one day I will have the perfect job for me...
Next month Ginger and Pastor Jane have their official graduation at NEADS.. we can't wait to go and see them.. and Mom says to me "it's all about the RED vest Rylie!!!" (again not so sure what that means...) but either way... I enjoyed the trip, the company and meeting new friends.....and hope that we will have many more outings like this one!!!
the life of----- Rylie!!!!!