Linda went over a few things with regards to the Chapter and then Mom went to work on the obedience lessons. Here is Deb and Rusty (hearing dog).. who came to do some "tune up work" with his obedience.

We had a "pretty good" group for our first night, but both Mom and Linda hope that in the months to come we will have even more in our group. Aside from the Maine puppies and working dogs.. we have also invited any dogs that are "working" therapy dogs and any service puppies in training (like our friends from CCI) and then any working service dogs... in this photo (left to right) is Mindy (therapy dog) Leo (puppy in training) Rusty (hearing dog) Logan (service dog) and me!!! (puppy in training)

Everyone has come up with some great ideas for our training nights. Mom wants baby Abbie to come in sometime, and Daddy too - dressed in his fire gear. We talked about different obedience exercises and Suzan (Logan's Mom) has all sorts of ideas, since Logan works for her every day (this is me with Logan). Mom's other puppy - Chester - loved Logan, and I think I do too....

Look at what a nice down stay Rusty is doing!!!That's one command service dogs need to do.. down stays and chilling... we aren't always working!!!

Now, Mindy - who is a therapy dog - is Rick's dog!!!! We sure keep him busy, helping me with my lessons, and working with Mindy as well....
Love to all, Ginger!!!!
Awesome experiance... Cant wait to learn more, meet new people and jump right in!