When we see Sherri and Clover... and get their warm greetings.. you know that we are back at NEADs again... it's check in time. Mom says it makes the months go by so quickly when we think about checking in each month, and she said that time with me is passing too quickly. Oh oh.. that's doesn't sound too good.....
But for now - for today - we have work to do and time to be together. There was a lot going on today... after our time with Sherri.. Dave came in and we went to our talking time... however.....
Who is that??? Mom said there was a new puppy in the group, but today is the first time I have "officially" met him.... This is Mookie, and he will be living with Kathleen.. which means I will see him at puppy class as well as our check ins.....
Dave spent some time working with him and talking about certain puppy things that he wants to be sure Kathleen works with. Which she will, Mom says that Kathleen knows about puppies!!!!
As for me... might as well get comfortable.. I know how long these talks can go... humans!!! Oh... did you notice, I am wearing a back pack and not a vest. Mom and I have been working with this new piece of equipment... I think it's kind of neat, and Mom says it's handy for her because she can keep things in it. Hey, that's nice, I can carry "things" for Mom....
After our talk at NEADs , it was city time. Mom was happy that it wasn't too cold... and there's no snow here either. The city sounded loud today.. Mom thought that as well. With the leaves all gone from the trees.. or maybe the wind was blowing more.. but it just seemed "loud"....
Oh puppies.... Kathleen has much to teach Mookie. Rayvan doesn't seem to mind, she is doing her work....
And of course, I know how to do my work.... country or city... as long as I am with Mom and out there... it's all good with me.
Course, the humans are always hungry, so once we get to the hospital, they get a bite to eat and we head under the table.....
But then I look over and see......
Baby Mookie isn't doing an "under".... he's getting all the attention from the public. I remember when I was little like that and could get all that attention.
Guess it looks like, I'm in the 'big dog" category now. No longer a baby puppy.... but, being a "big girl" is OK too..... and Rayvan and I can wear our back packs and go out and do good works......
Well... sometimes I am a big girl... I still do like it when Mom tells someone that I can be petted.....
From the hospital to the train station, and as planned we arrived just as the train was pulling in. We watched it pull up to the station, and then had some time to walk onto the cars and practice in the tight isles and around the seats.
hun..... puppy again... here I am sitting nicely, watching the train......and I look over to see...
Baby Mookie isn't worried about the train.. he got to play with Rayvan. Mom told me this is so baby Mookie wouldn't be afraid of the train. He doesn't look very frighten to me... he looks like he's just having a good time.....
Well... maybe I do miss being a puppy once in a while... but I think I really feel more proud that I know so many things now, and act like a big girl....... I know Mom is very pleased with me and my work, because she tells me all the time....
It will be 'good bye" to the city for a little while. Mom says that with the holidays coming, this will be our last trip until "next year".... so, until we see you again dear city.....
Back to NEADs for our supplies and to say goodbye to everyone. Mom says "we'll see you next year!!!".... And here is Kathleen and Baby Mookie... ready to begin their year together with lots of things to learn and do....
But, just before we go.. we had the chance to meet up with an old friend.. this is Marv... he was Linda's dog... he is finishing up his work at NEADS and will soon be looking for his new partner. Marv seemed happy to see everyone, but he is pretty serious about his job... so he was happy to go back to work.
as for me.. I am happy to be heading back to the farm.. but it was a fun...
day with Debbie!!!!
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