It feels like the house has been very busy these past days. Mom, Camille and I haven't been going to teach puppy school, Mom says we are on a break. However, with everything else going on, I think it's good that Mom doesn't have to worry about teaching puppy school. She has been doing all sorts of "decorating" and the house looks different. One thing they did was put up this tree!!! (a tree in the house???) but I have to say, we all like it. Mona loves to sit under it as does Camille. I would like to go under too.. but Mom tells me not to.. she says I am "too big" and might knock it over.
Many nights, Mom lights the woodstove... it's warm and cozy and we all like to crowd around it. The cats are funny, they will lay right behind the stove where it is the warmest.
I like the stove too... but I like being outside as well. We had a bit more snow, and I think that is the greatest. Sometimes, I just like to sit and take it all in. Being here on the farm is a great place to be.....
Beside from teaching dog classes... Mom also takes care of other doggies when their parents go away. I love it when we have friends that come to play, and I have all kinds of friends. The house has been busy with extra doggies this time of year... and one morning as we were all getting ready to go out.. Mom said we were going to have a big surprised when she opened the door to the dog yard....
And was she ever right!!! During the night we had a big snow and it was deep, clean and white.... the cockers weren't so excited to see it... as they had to almost swim to get threw... but my friend Ullur (the Samoyed) and I .. thought this was the greatest thing ever.
After doing my business... I just began to have the best time ever... I ran and jumped and plowed threw the snow. (the cockers seemed happy with the paths I made!!!)
In fact, I went so fast, that Mom even had a hard time getting pictures of me....
The cockers all went in to sit by that woodstove.. but not me... or Zuzu (poodle) or Ullur... we were out to play!!!
Don't you just love snow????
and so another .... day with Debbie!!!!
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