So, here it is... Christmas!!! I wasn't sure what my dear humans meant about this, though I have been hearing lots of talk about it. And we have been going to a number of different events and the like... but really, it sort of feels like just another fun day for me. However, last evening, we were in church. Now, I go to church pretty often... so I know what to do.. but we haven't gone at night....
and we haven't been to this church before. I can tell you it was very very crowded, I haven't ever seen so many in church before. Mom said it was because this church is much bigger than our's but also, because it is the Christmas Eve service. All the same, I knew to curl up, stay quiet and make it so people hardly even know I am there... which I did perfectly. So many people were surprised to see me, once they did notice me!!!!!
I will tell you that I was way quieter than the children.... Abbie and Reagan were very excited and loud.. though no one seemed to mind!!!! The service was very nice, lots of music, lots of happy greetings and just a nice over all feeling of good will .......
After church, we went to Rachel's (Mom's sister) house with her family... and look she has a tree too... seems like there are trees everywhere we go, so now I know what they are, and that they are a part of the Christmas celebration. I also know that you have to be careful around them and that the things under them (as tempting as it is) are not for dogs!!!!!
Rachel's house is small and with the whole family there, it was crowded... but I knew what to do when Mom "parked" me in a spot.... to stay quietly and watch... which I had great fun doing....
Usually I will take a little snooze while waiting, but there was too much going on and I had more fun checking it all out.....
Abbie and Naomi wanted to get some pictures of us in front of the tree.... I had never met Naomi's kitty (and I love kitties)... so, I wasn't really paying attention when they took the photo. Lucy (the kitty) was a bit concerned about me, so she wasn't paying attention either... but over all, the pictures went off well.....
Little Reagan - my buddy - was there too.... he has two dogs of his own that he loves.. so he is used to having me around.... and I just had to sneak in this little kiss when he came over to see me.....
Tonite for some reason, he found me very entertaining and would laugh and laugh at me.... he got me going and I would thump my tail or bark (softly) at him and he just thought that was the greatest!!! (me too!!!)
We stayed pretty late into the night, I watched the children open gifts, and everyone had food and drinks all around. Mom said that I was a perfect guest and she was so pleased with me. She told me several time threw out the evening that I was being the best dog ever (I love hearing those words!!!)
The next morning, Mom and Dad were up early. Farm chores were done quickly, the car was packed and Camille and I were in the car and off. Mom felt bad that the other dogs couldn't come with us... but I guess there is only room for so many... and they had special things to keep them happy while we were away. This time we were at Kassy, Nate's and Reagan's house.... yup, another tree (I know - no touching!!!)
To be honest, I was still tired from last night!!!! Having gone to church, and then the excitement at Rachel's and being out so late.. and up early..... I was just as happy to take snooze while the family celebrated together. Again, lots of gifts, food, laughter and excitement.... I saw Mom and Dad smiling so much that I knew this was such a happy time for them....
Even Camille was tired, and she hasn't done half the things I have.... but she's older, so I guess that's OK.....
It was fun to be in the middle of it all... and we still had to go to Meme and Beepa (Mom's parents house) and have all this fun over again....
Mom told me that I'm not the only one enjoying their first Christmas... Reagan is too, in fact, we are pretty close in age..... though I am a "big girl now" and he's still just a baby. However, I love him and think he is grand.
Sadly, Mom's camera battery ran out before the day was over... she was sad, because she would have taken many more pictures. but I can say the day was such fun, I got to visit with other dogs and the rest of the family and again it was late when we returned home.
so much activity these past few days.... but I was so happy to be involved and act the way that a good girls does... and now I understand a bit of "Christmas" and I hope that everyone had as nice of a day as I did and as my family has....
and that a very good and special.... day with Debbie!!!!!
Snow, snow snow!!! I am just loving all this wonderful snow and I ask Mom to go out in it as much as I can. She lets me out often, but also says that she likes me inside where we can be together and I can do some "work" once in a while and "learn to be a good house dog!!!" (I didn't know I had to learn how to be a house dog, but I suppose things like... not chasing the kitties, not picking up things that I shouldn't, not getting on the couch, are important!!!)
Today, however, I was able to go out and play quite a bit. Mom was very busy, wrapping up all kinds of boxes and things, baking.. and just well... busy. She's says that this is one of her favorite days of the year... she calls it the "day before the day before" and tells me that tomorrow is Christmas Eve and then Christmas and the next couple of days are going to be filled with fun and excitement.... (and she says.. good working opportunities for me!!!)

Fine with me... I love to be a part of anything Mom has going in... but in the meantime.... I think I will just plow threw this great new snow and make some fine pathways for the cockers!!!!!
and that's a day with Debbie!!!!!
Mom tells me this is a "short day"... she says that we won't have as much daylight as the other days, but after today... the days begin to get longer. I don't know if I can figure that out, all the days seem about the same to me... but for some reason this information makes Mom quite happy. I, on the other paw, am happy too... today we did a "field trip" with my little buddy Reagan.....
I hope you notice that we are both "dressed up".... Reagan with his "bow tie shirt" and me with a "bow tie on my collar".... Mom said we were at Story time at the library....
The library is kind of neat.... it's very quiet, but there is a lot of activity (at least there was today).... and besides the books and things... there were these Gingerbread houses all over the place. (they smelled so good)... Mom said that there had been a Gingerbread house contest and these were the ones that had entered. We walked all around them (definitely a "no touch" item)......
But, as we were walking about, I suddenly saw someone very important!!! Someone I know very well and was so happy to see........
It was Kathleen!!!!! and I found out that she is in charge of Story Time at the library... now, I remember.. I have been here before.... I came here with Kathleen when she brought me with her to work!!!!!
Kathleen reads books to the children who come for Story Time... they love her!!! and Reagan just couldn't take his eyes off Kathleen and the books she was reading. But when they sang songs, Reagan danced and clapped.... it was such a happy time...
I, of course, was very good .. I loved all the babies. Mom said that I had to be gentle around them (because they are so small)... so... I got just as small as I could and the babies all came over to see me. I held very still while they petted me (and their Mommies told them to be gentle with me as well)... and my tail just thumped the whole time......

Reagan sees me all the time, so he didn't come over like the other babies did... he was just so "in love" with Kathleen.... but, so am I... so I can understand that!!!! I hope we'll go back to Story Time again... this was a great field trip!!!
another day with Debbie!!!!
It feels like the house has been very busy these past days. Mom, Camille and I haven't been going to teach puppy school, Mom says we are on a break. However, with everything else going on, I think it's good that Mom doesn't have to worry about teaching puppy school. She has been doing all sorts of "decorating" and the house looks different. One thing they did was put up this tree!!! (a tree in the house???) but I have to say, we all like it. Mona loves to sit under it as does Camille. I would like to go under too.. but Mom tells me not to.. she says I am "too big" and might knock it over.
Many nights, Mom lights the woodstove... it's warm and cozy and we all like to crowd around it. The cats are funny, they will lay right behind the stove where it is the warmest.
I like the stove too... but I like being outside as well. We had a bit more snow, and I think that is the greatest. Sometimes, I just like to sit and take it all in. Being here on the farm is a great place to be.....
Beside from teaching dog classes... Mom also takes care of other doggies when their parents go away. I love it when we have friends that come to play, and I have all kinds of friends. The house has been busy with extra doggies this time of year... and one morning as we were all getting ready to go out.. Mom said we were going to have a big surprised when she opened the door to the dog yard....
And was she ever right!!! During the night we had a big snow and it was deep, clean and white.... the cockers weren't so excited to see it... as they had to almost swim to get threw... but my friend Ullur (the Samoyed) and I .. thought this was the greatest thing ever.
After doing my business... I just began to have the best time ever... I ran and jumped and plowed threw the snow. (the cockers seemed happy with the paths I made!!!)
In fact, I went so fast, that Mom even had a hard time getting pictures of me....
The cockers all went in to sit by that woodstove.. but not me... or Zuzu (poodle) or Ullur... we were out to play!!!
Don't you just love snow????
I know that I haven't even seen a full year yet, but I think I have to say that this is the best so far!!! Mom says it's just the start of winter... and I say... that's good...
and so another .... day with Debbie!!!!
This was the start of one busy weekend... Mom and I had places to go and things to see. It all started with a Christmas parade in the little town that Mom and Dad used to live in. The street was busy with all sorts of things and people... Mom stopped several times to say hello to people she knew and of course, everyone asked about me....
Baby Reagan was there.. he seemed as entertained about it all as I was.... it was cold, and everyone was bundled up snug...
I thought it was all very fun, and tried to look at as many things as I could. Mom said she was watching me carefully, to make sure that nothing upset me... but nothing did...
As the day got dark, the parade began. There were lots of lights, and bands.. and music of all kinds. Things that Mom called "floats" went by and people clapped and shouted. I stood and watched everything, everyone seemed so happy and it was great fun.
My little buddy Abbie was there as well. We had a great time snuggling together and watching the parade go by. Abbie even took the time to tell me all about the things that we were seeing.....
Camille was with us too... she has been to many parades. Lots of people came by to pet us and talk about us. Many people were interested in me and seemed to know that Mom has raised other puppies like me....
The last thing in the parade was Santa!!! When "he" went by everyone was so excited... lots of clapping and cheering.... he had a loud voice and called out to all of us. I think it would have been fun to run over and jump up on that sleigh and ride with him!!!!
After the parade.. Mom and I walked over to the church. Her niece was playing her violin in a little concert and Mom wanted to hear her play. I go to church almost every week, so I know the drill... walk in quietly and "hide" under the pew. Some people seemed surprise to see me walking into church, but once they saw my back pack.. they knew I was a working dog.
The concert was very nice, the music was quiet and the church was warm. I was very happy in my little spot.....
and warming up, I fell asleep. It wasn't until we got up to leave that many of the people around me even knew that I was there.
Mom was offered a few rides back to Kassy's house, but we opted to walk. I think she wanted to enjoy the quiet of the night and see all the pretty lights. I certainly enjoyed the walk... Mom says that these are the special moments...
Back at Kassy's house (Reagan's home) everyone was there to enjoy good foods and warmth. There was so much food and everything looked so good. But I know my manners and again, just stayed quietly out of the way... it was a very fun night, however, Mom says the weekend isn't over yet.
The next night, we met up with the puppy group and headed up to Cabela's... now I have been there before a few different times, but it certainly looked different tonite. Mom said that the "wreaths" were coming here.. not to sure what that means, but I can tell you it was very busy and one thing I noticed was this big beautiful flag handing across the street.
As were we waiting, I began to hear sirens and see all sorts of lights. I could hear motorcycles and firetrucks, and then the trucks began to arrive. These trucks will be heading to Arlington National Cemetery where the wreathes will be laid at the grave sites that are there. Last year, Mom and Dad took Rylie (the puppy they raised) and followed to the trucks to Arlington and helped to lay the wreaths out.
They are sad that they can't go this year and bring me along. I have heard about this trip and it sounded like it was a very fun thing. Mom said that it was such good training for Rylie and she would have liked me to have a trip like that. Oh well.... I am just happy to go and "do" whatever Mom can come up with.
After the trucks were parked, there was a service outside. I could tell this was quite an important time, and I watched quietly with Mom. At one point there was even a gun fire salute.. Mom was watching me carefully, just to be sure that I wouldn't be scared... but gunfire did not bother me one bit.
I got to meet someone very special...this is Karen Worcester... her husband and her began this whole idea of Wreaths Across America. (if you would like to know more, they have a website). Mom talked with her for just a few moments (she was very busy).. but she got to tell her about their trip last year (and promised to send a copy of this picture to her).
It will take the trucks a whole week to travel down because they make so many other stops along the way. And then there will be a big event in Arlington with thousands of people there to help out. Mom and Dad felt really sad they aren't going and I heard them say that next year they are certainly planning on going.
We went back into Cabela's afterwards to warm up (another cold night) and I was so surprised to see that some of my other dog friends had come to join us. That's Ginger.... (mom's second puppy).. and Otis was there too with Linda... plus the other puppies as well... we had quite the reunion.
The place had all kinds of things going on... including a bagpipe and drum corps... Mom and Dad love bagpipes and we stood close by and listened to all the wonderful songs. I have to admit the drums were a bit loud, but once I got used to them, it wasn't any big deal.
It was great just to be able to visit with all our friends, we are usually so busy "working". So here's a great photo of our group... starting with me and Mom.. Ginger and Pastor Jane, Kathleen and Brutus.... then Linda with Otis, Linda with Rayvan, Rick and Kelli with Moxie...
and a doggie group photo... Moxie, Otis, Me (Debbie), Rayvan, Brutus and Ginger....
Such a busy night... the more the humans talked, the more the doggies began to sleep. Otis and Ginger know how to take advantage of their down time...
And I was pretty sleepy myself. It's been a very busy weekend... but I have to say, I love going out and seeing so many different things, and doing so many different things. Mom says it's "training", but I say it's just plain fun...
and so, it's another..... day with Debbie!!!!