So, each time Mom went to visit, she brought me along. She said she liked my company - so does Dad - and you know my Mom, she is always looking for that "special training situation".. which she said the hospital certainly was. Personally, I didn't find it any different from any other public place, go, be quiet, use your manners, and sleep while you wait..... No one even knew I was there.... even the nurses were surprised to see me quietly laying beside my Dad...
Kassy came on this visit too, she brought little Reagan, and Abbie was with us too. Dad said it made his day feel better, and the meds are doing their job too and are beginning to work. Mom misses having Dad at home, and she wants him back as soon as possible!!!!
After a nice long visit, I was just dying to give Dad a hug and let him know everything is going to be fine, and I am there for him. He was so happy to give me a hug and says that of all the service puppies that have lived on the farm, I'm his favorite.
If I could speak "human" I would have told Mom that I will just stay here with Dad until he is all better. But, since I can't talk, I just had to give lots of hugs until it was time for us to head home.
Abbie and I took a little snooze in the back seat on the ride home. I love to be able to sit close to her when we are traveling...
She looked sad when Mom told her that Dad (who she calls Papa) was going to be at the hospital for a few more days.... but, while he's away, Me and the cockers... we'll take care of the family....
life with... Rylie...
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