A couple of days ago, Mom and I went to see Dr. Nakitias, I have just found out that when we go to NEADS in a few days... I'm going to be staying there. Dave feels that it might be good for me to try some time at "college" and my sister... who's name is Hope is going to come home with Mom and spend some time on the farm.
I love Dr. T... she is so good to me (to all the animals and service puppies!!) My Mom just can't say enough of how much we appreciate all her good care... and the fact that she does this for free..... because of her, and the generosity of the vet clinic.. my Mom can continue to raise service puppies....
I'm not so sure how I feel about going to "college".... Mom has told me that going onto college is a wonderful thing, and it's why I was chosen to be a part of the NEADS program... but... just the same....
So, this morning as we were getting ready to leave.. Abbie came down bright and early to give me a hug and wish me luck. Actually she said that she was going to miss me (and I am certainly going to miss her)...
We all piled into Mom's jeep.. since there were just the four of us... Marv, Moxie, Murcery and me... but it was pretty crowded... the humans like to ride together to be able to talk... but I think next time, they will go back to using two cars!!!!!
So, it was the usual routine... we all meet together, the humans talk about us... how we are doing, when we might be ready for turn in.... etc.etc. etc..... And we have to lay quietly and listen....
At least it's a good time to take a nap!!!!
But, really Mom.. can't we "do" something.. this gets boring after a while.....
We did learn some news though... it has been decided that Moxie really doesn't want to be a service dog... she would much rather be Rick and Kelli's dog... so after much thought by all the humans... it was decided today that Moxie can stay will Rick and Kelli. She seems pretty happy with this decision....
After we (or rather they...) chatted a while... Dave brought sister Hope out to meet Mom and me. We were pretty excited to see each other... and I had a few moments to tell her that she is going to have a good time on the farm......
As we were getting ready to head to the city.. a group of folks came by to visit at NEADS. This happens quite a lot and it's always nice for them to see puppies in training. So, our group stopped to talk with everyone and tell them about puppy raising and all about us.
Then, Dave came up with this "idea".. and instead of leaving for the city right away, he had everyone go up to the training room, and pick out a "piece of equipment" to work with. So, each human picked out a wheelchair or a walker, and practiced with us around the training room.... and then outside....
Mom said she knew this would be hard work, but she appreciated getting an understanding of how hard it could be...... I was ready to help in any way that I could....
Just when everyone thought Dave was done with this lesson... we saw him packing all the things into the van. Our humans were going to have to work with the equipment and us ...in the city!!!!! Boy, were they surprised.... Dave said the "rules" were.... to practice as though it were real....
And that actually proved to be harder than thought. There's a lot to working a service dog and think about everything else.... it was a really good lesson for all our humans!!!! (and yes, us too....)
They did "everything".. including getting lunch at the hospital. Everyone got a really good "work out"!!!!!
I kept my eyes on Mom....
They even had to squeeze into the elevators...... good thing I know how to squish into a corner and make room.....
It was fun, but a very long and tiring day... everyone was happy to get back to NEADS... well.. almost everyone... see today, along with all our work and the fact that I am having to stay for a short time.... Marv is here to stay now "forever". He and his Mom Linda, had to say goodbye, because it's time for him to head into college for real......
Mom said these hugs are the hardest... she had to give me a hug too, but at least I know we still have a little more time together.... with some "luck" Marv will see his Mommy again at graduation day!!!!
Off to the kennel... to a brand new adventure... good luck Marv!!!!!! And then I was taken in behind him... so I had to say goodbye to my Mommy too. But Dave will have Marv and me be kennel buddies for a few days until we are moved to our "colleges"....
So, sister Hope was brought out to Mom, and Linda.... she was introduced to her new charge.....
Say hello to Ravyn..... welcome to the Maine group.... and your adventure has just begun....
with love, the life of... Rylie!!!!
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