Everyone met bright and early this morning, the humans all going to breakfast. The mood is light and happy and I hear that it's the NEADS spring graduation!!!! Mom says this is such an important time for both humans and k9's... I went to a graduation last fall, but I was pretty little and not so sure I remember what it's all about.
Course, while they all had breakfast, what did we do.... "unders"... there were four of us at breakfast... me, Moxie, Marv and Otis.... the other people in the restaurant were so surprised to learn that there were four dogs under the table. We were all very good and quiet.. invisible as Mom calls it....
A couple of blogs back, I shared that Linda.. our chapter leader is going to get a very special award at the graduation today. We have kept it a surprise and she has no idea.... the puppy chapter folks got her some gifts, which I had to sit with. I have kept the secret and we were excited to see it all happen....
And here we all are, the Maine puppy chapter at the graduation... from left to right there is Kathleen and Mercury, Linda and Otis, Me and Mom and Camille... Rick with Moxie and Linda with Marv...... it was a nice spring day...
This pretty much sums it up......
And we're off....
This is the graduating class. Everyone was all together up on the stage. This is a different spot from the fall graduation and Mom thought it was a better location.
Last summer, when Mom was out with one of her other puppies, they had met a family who were on the list for a NEADS dog... Mom and everyone else was so excited when they saw that the young man had finally been matched. He wasn't too excited about having to sit up on the stage for so long, so decided to just take a little nap with his new partner until it was his turn. Mom was so happy to see that he and his dog have already built a bond... Mom often wonders if I might be dog for a young person.....
The guest speaker was excellent, we really enjoyed hearing from him. His "team" does alot of volunteer work for NEADS and we loved to hear all about all the things they do and the hours they have given.....
Then came the time for Linda's award.. she still had no idea what was coming and just thought that the Maine chapter was being honored for their volunteer work.... Gerry came down and talked about the chapter and then began to talk about Linda... she has been the leader of Maine for 20 years!!!!! So many puppies have gone threw the Maine chapter and there will be many more to come!!!!
Linda was completely surprised when she realized that she was receiving the award.. she hardly knew what to do... and here is it.... a beautiful crystal vase.. engraved with her name on it!!!
Even after graduation, she was still surprised, and what was even better... her family was there to see her receive the award.. and all of it was kept an complete secret!!! Our humans really pulled it off!!!!
Ginger and Pastor Jane came too... Mom is always so happy to see Ginger and reminds me that I need to be a graduate just like her!!! Who knows, come the fall graduation, it could be my turn, but before that... there are many things to come..... so I will just say it was a grand day....
life of .... Rylie!!!!
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