Friday, February 8, 2013

big---BIG snow!!!!

Since it's been so cold, Abbie and I have been inside quite a bit. Mom wishes we could be outside more, but sometimes that can't be helped. Abbie comes up with all sorts of games for us to play.. and in this photo, our game is "birthday party".. and she said I had to dress up for the party. So she tied a balloon to my collar and said that I was good to go. Fine by me, as long as I can be with Abbie......
 but, oh oh---- Abbie got into trouble... and had to go to "time out" for a while to settle down. She was so sad, I was too, so I decided to sit with her until she was free to go again. That's what you do when your best friend is in trouble, you stick close!!!!! (and I was very happy when she was "free" once again!!!)
This is what the farm looked like a few days ago... cold, but nice and clear.. Mom thought that maybe that ol groundhog knew what he was talking about... and then we began to hear about the snow that was coming... a big snow!!! So, Mom and the family got ready for yet another snow storm....
And in it came. The wind was very wind, the snow was heavy at times, but Mom and everyone just settled in and enjoyed their time together. I was a little bored, as were the other doggies, but that can't be helped.. Mom did send us out, but she didn't let us stay out too long.. she didn't want us to get "frost bite".... it snowed all night long...
 And in the morning, when we went to go outside.... look at how deep the snow was!!!! We couldn't even get out the door (and it was still snowing!!!). So, until Mom (or someone) could get the door cleared out....
We had to run out the front door to do our business. One by one, Mom put the flexi leash on and we ran out to do "our thing". I wanted to stay and play out in all that wonderful new snow.. but Mom said we couldn't just yet..... (I can't wait to go and try it though).....
And it still snowed... all day long. The front of the farm sure doesn't look the way it did a few days ago.......
Part way threw the storm, Dad said he better do a break threw run. He was worried that if he waited until the end of the storm, there might be too much snow to handle. He worked with the tractor instead of the truck, and sometimes we could hardly see him......
Jesse volunteered to dig a path for us in the dog yard..... because of the wind, there was a big bare patch, so he decided to dig us a path over to the patch. Mom was very grateful that he did that for us.....
The cockers were happy to stay in the path, the snow was way over their heads........
But, for me... it was too much, I just had to explore. I have never seen so much snow before and I just knew it would such fun to to play in.
The cockers thought I was completely silly, but I couldn't help it... and it was 1-2-3 jump and dive into all that great snow!!!!  It was wonderful.......
I pushed and "swam" for a long time. I made new paths for all of us to play in, and I did notice that when the cockers had a path to follow, they did. So I made lots of pathways for them (and for me!!!) I was very (very) tired when I came in from playing, but it was so much fun. And I for one have greatly enjoyed it all... Mom on the other hand is beginning to think that the groundhog has no idea what he was talking about!!!!

life with ....Rylie!!!!!!

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