Mom has told me, the official time has been set, I will be heading to college just after the New Year. Mom is happy that we will have another Christmas together (she has some things she still wants to do together), but she is sad, because our special time is coming to a close. Course, being a dog, I don't exactly know what that means... but I guess I will find out, and I will handle it in my way. But for the meantime.... since I have been here almost a year.. I was due for some booster shots, so we made a trip to visit the vet and get those done.

Goodness, does a girl always have to have her weight taken?? I guess so, and I climbed on the scale and sat quietly while it was done... I weigh 68 pounds, the vet says that "it's just right".. I do like to keep a good figure you know. (Mom is pretty careful about that).

Even though it's Dr. Spahn that is my sponsor, I don't always get to see him, and it seems that Dr. Nikita is my next caregiver. She is wonderful and I am very fond of her. Mom wanted to be sure that we got a picture together....

She likes me too, and says that I am a model patient. I always am on my best behavior and do everything perfectly for her. (she wishes all the doggies would do that).... I told her that I will come to say goodbye when the time gets a little closer....

And speaking of goodbyes... it's now Edgar's turn to head back to NEADS and take his next step. We had a fun time with Edgar here on the farm, and he had fun being able to spend some time with is brother Otis. But now that we are big dogs, it's time to venture out into the world and find the "jobs" that we were meant to do..
so friend "Edgar, big dog".. best wishes and much love with you next step....
Love, Ginger....
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