So, here I am again.. at another parade.. there sure are alot of these thing this time of year. I as knew from past experience every parade is a little different, and such was the case here. We didn't go to see the parade... we were IN the parade. We met up with the friends in Mom's dog club.. and one of those being Kelli and Rick, so there was Otis and Edgar waiting for us to arrive. The weather was nice, but cold - which is why Auntie Kelli is so bundled up.

The wagon was for the friends who couldn't walk the whole route, and for "baby" Abbie as well. I have to say - Mom had her hands full that day.. she helped Dad with the tractor and wagon.. kept an eye on Abbie, plus had the four of us!!! and got the group ready to walk in the parade.. she was kind of tired when it was all over. Abbie loved riding in the wagon, especially when she got to snack too...

We had a nice big group of dogs.. these are the friends from Piscataqua Obedience club (that's the club Mom belongs to)...we showed the people watching the parade how nicely we walked and that we know how to behave in public. Plus we handed out cards to the doggies watching, maybe they will join our classes and be good doggies like us.
and here we are, ready to go. Mom didn't get anymore pictures than this, she was too busy with everything else. So, you just have to believe me when I tell you that we had a really nice time, that the crowd liked seeing all of us, and that it was another one of the "good training" experiences that Mom is always wanting me to do. She says that this is a very special time in our life together, because from what I understand, I won't be here at the farm much longer.... looks like the time for me to go is drawing very close...
Love, Ginger...
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