It's "Merry Christmas" again, and I get to celebrate another one with "my" family here on the farm. Mom is very happy that I am here, though we know that the day I leave for college is close at hand. But for now.... for today, we're not thinking about college.....

I'm thinking about the snow!!! (sadly Mom didn't get any pictures of me playing with my buds.... but I can promise you, we have been having a grand time!!!)

On Christmas day, everyone came to the farm to celebrate and open gifts. Then, they all went to visit other people, and Mom and Dad packed up me and Camille and we went to visit Mom's Mom and Dad. Naomi was very excited to see me (she loves dogs) but she want to show me and Mom and she has a service puppy in training!!!!
We had to take this picture together and Mom told Naomi that she will make a vest for her puppy, just like the one that I wear when we go out. Who knows, maybe one day, Naomi will be a puppy raiser like my Mom...
Even though there aren't many pictures, you just have to trust that it was a busy day...full of happiness and fun. I was so glad to be a part of it... and I am hoping that everyone had a wonderful day...
love, Ginger
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