OK, here we go again... off on another "service dog event"... now, don't get me wrong, I love to be out and about, but this is the third one this week. The life of an SD... busy!!!

Looks like Cece feels the same way!!! She does all sorts of things like this with her Mom... and notice the RED vest?? yup Cece is a NEADS graduate and working dog!!! Remember way back last spring when we went to graduation... well, Cece and her Mom Sandy were the guest speakers... that's where they met my Mom.

Today we were at the mall to promote service dog awareness. The mall was fairly busy for a summer afternoon, and the fact that it was raining outside helped. So, here we are all together.. Otis, Cece and me!!!

And here are the "peoples"......

This was so silly... a man had a vendor filled with toys near our display. He thought this silly wind up toy would bother Otis and I... NOT... we thought it was interesting for a little while, and then it became boring. Mom couldn't figure out if he was trying to be nice, or just see if he could get us going... he actually annoyed Mom.. but I didn't care on way or the other... neither did Otis...

He might be growing up, but Otis still gets the attention...what is he .. famous or something???

This nice lady came by to see us, and this is her service dog.. a beautiful Gordon Setter. He was pretty nice, and I liked him right away.
Mom, Rick and Sandy did a lot of talking about service dogs to the folks that came by. We dogs just enjoyed all the attention.... another fun day....
love Ginger
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