So...... here we are again.. another check in at NEADS. Sometimes, I think we are here alot, but Mom says it's really only once a month that we go. Not that I mind, a whole day on the road with my friends, then seeing Dave and everyone at NEADS, plus who knows what we'll see in the city... I'm game!!!!

Our group seems to be growing again... we have a new puppy raising team... Samuel, his mom Kate and their service dog Pia have joined the group....

And going home with us today... is Stoney!!! (another lab) brother Leo and I are out numbered for sure!!!!

Well, just because there is a new puppy on the scene.. you can be sure I'm going to get as many pats as I can find. I'm a golden... I must be petted!!!!

Sister Clover joined us as well... it's always nice to see her

Dave had some things for us to do, so we didn't get to the group training right off....

Perfect time for a photo shoot..... we have Samuel and Pia... Barbara and sister Clover, Teena and Freedom.. Rick and Otis, Mom and me... Kathleen and Leo.. next is Honor (he's T brother) and then Bernice and T....

While we were waiting for group training, Dave suggested we try out the new puppy path.

Sounds good to me.... let's go!!!!

OK... I get the message... this is a "working" area

sit stay on the cobblestones.....

and the pea stones.....

down stay on the sand....

cross the wooden bridge (I can do it all)

Peek a boo.... you can't see me!!!!!

That was all pretty fun. But, when we went to group training... look at what Dave was trying to do. Silly Dave, does he think "that" would scare us........

Actually, Mom thought the thunderstorm in the city was way scarier!!!!!! (she hates them!!!) but they don't bother me in the least.

We did our usual elevator ride at the hospital, and just for the record... you can fit seven service dogs on an elevator...

And our usual down stays outside the elevators... this is beginning to be "old hat" to us....
As the day was wrapping up and it was time to head home, I just HAD to say hello to this one lady. She thought that I was just beautiful and wanted to hear all about me and the work that I am learning to do. I thought she was very sweet as well...
so, another full training day, won't be too many more with Mom like this... my turn in day is just around the corner...
love to all.... Ginger