Well, here we are again... back at NEADS... I have come to understand that we visit NEADS once a month.. Mom calls it a "check in"... and we talk with Dave, and visit with Sherrie and get all the news on what's happening... but right now... we're waiting for Dave....
Moxie came with us this trip... she finds this all very boring. Now that she is doing her therapy dog work, and not service dog work, she wonders why her Daddy sometimes brings her all this way. She has heard all this before!!!!
and Otis, I think feels the same way.... that's one really nice thing for us puppies, we have these great mature dogs to hang around with and see how we're all suppose to do it.
But even after Dave comes, it's still not exciting, the humans have a great time, talking to each other.. talking about us... and we... well... we get to do this. Be quiet and wait.... ho hum!!!!
Finally, they have all their talking done and we head outside to go on our training field trip. Today was a very pretty day and Mom took this picture of me sitting up on the stone wall. Mom told me she is not very excited about our adventure because we are going to the "Halloween store"... I don't know what that is (yet) but Mom already doesn't like going there.....
First order of business, though... lunch. Now the humans often eat at the big hospital, but today they went to a restaurant. I think this is about the first restaurant I have officially been to. It was super crowded, and some of the people watched as we service dogs walked in......
And quickly and quieted "hid" under the tables. Only the people who saw us walk in knew we were there... other people, who came in after us, didn't even know until we left. Mom said she was so proud of me, and was very pleased that I know what the "rules" are when it comes to being around human food.....
Next stop was the Halloween store. Ok, I admit it was a bit strange... all sorts of sounds, and things that popped up or jumped out at us (I think that what Mom isn't too happy about).... And then, we look about and see "this" coming at us....
Silly Dave!!! did he really think that we didn't know it was him??? Both Rayvan and I ran right over to him and said hello. I don't know why he had that mask thing on, but we knew the whole time!!!!!
Linda and Otis walked about the store, checking out all the creepy things. Mom didn't though, she basically took me around and then was more than happy to get this done with. Mom isn't a fan of Halloween to begin with (so I am learning), but she knows that this is good training for me to see all sort of things that are different....
So, we walked about and did some of our obedience work, and then had a little puppy chat about all of this foolishness.....
Really, Mom... it's not big deal.. all of this stuff is fake... but if you need me for any reason... I am here!!!!
Look, I'll even "eat" this zombie baby if you need me too......
After the Halloween store, we walked around the mall next door. Mom felt much better about that.... and then, the day was done and it was time to head home. Another month's check in .. done..
but I will agree that the Harvestfest we went to was much better... however, Mom said that "passing in the Halloween store" is a pretty big deal, and she was glad that I did so well. I might be a little on the small size, but I am a pretty brave girl, and it would seem that Mom thinks I'm pretty special!!!
and that just .... another day with... Debbie!!!!!
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