Poor Mom, she does try and keep my blog up to date, but sometimes we are so busy, just doing all sorts of things, that she falls behind in my stories. So, here we are trying to catch up on all that's been going on. As you know, Mom is always looking for new things for me to try.. trouble is, some of these things are sort of "new" to Mom, and often they are things that she isn't so fond of herself. Take bridges for example, my Mom is really quite afraid of them, but one nice afternoon, she wanted to me - and Camille - and walk across this nice new bridge. She said that many of her dog students talk about "walking the bridge" and she thought that would be a very good idea. So, here's the bridge...
We walked up to it, it's brand new, it's big, the sidewalk is huge.. the day was beautiful.. Mom had Camille and I sit for a photo (I guess to prove she had done it).. but after the photo, she took a few more steps, and said "sorry girls - this isn't happening today"... I looked at her and asked "really -- really Mom you can't walk across this nice new bridge??" and no -- she couldn't!!! so, we got off the bridge, and that was that. She thinks that she needs to go back and try again sometime.....I don't know why she doesn't like bridges, but maybe I can work her threw it!!!!!
One thing she does like to do, are the farmer's markets... and we go to as many as we can. There are all sorts of good things there, and I have to be on my best behavior... no sniffing the goods!!!!
I am very good there, and people often compliment on what a good puppy I am. They can't believe that I'm only about five months old, and often I hear, "wish my dog would behave like that".. course Mom and I know that all dogs can... it's just takes a little time and effort....
We had another weekend at camp. I love camp, there's always so much going on there. I like to be outside, running about, swimming, or just seeing what everyone is up to... Camille --- she would rather sleep on the couch (which I am not allowed on!!!)
One evening, we decided to leave camp and to go to a town not too far away. This town is on the edge of a big lake, and there are all kinds of shops, restaurants, and the like. Abbie, Kas, Nate and Reagan came with us. They had supper at an outdoor cafe, the table was very small, but I squished under as tight as I could. Thankfully, Abbie couldn't get her feet to the ground, so I had a little room under her.......I was so good, I didn't bother with any food that had been dropped, I didn't bother any of the people around us....
However, I can't say that the duck cared about any of those rules... she went all over the place, begging for food, gobbling up anything that was dropped.... and quacking. Mom said that was a very good "distraction" for me.. and I was pretty patient until this silly duck actually stepped on my tail!!!! Let me tell you, I jumped at that.. the duck was scurrying off (and the people around us were pleased about that) and then they couldn't believe how good I had been with a duck walking around!!!!!
It was fun walking about the town. I saw lots of neat things. People asked to pet me, but I am beginning to notice that Mom is now politely telling them "no"... that I am working. I used to be able to visit everyone, but it seems now that Mom wants me to be a bit more serious about being out.... wonder what that's all about....
Anyways, we had a good time watching the boats, (and the ducks) and just enjoying a summer evening out and about.
Kass and Nate... wanted to explore some of the little shops... Mom said for them to go right ahead, so while they were shopping, Mom and I took Reagan for a little walk. Mom said that this was good "stroller work" for me... it's really pretty easy.... stay beside the stroller, watch out for the wheels, and just walk nicely, like I do when it's just Mom and I.... no problem!!!!
As we were thinking about heading for home (or rather back to camp).. some children came and asked if they could "pet the helper dog".. Mom said that would be fine. They thought I was cute and they asked some pretty good questions about me..... I like kids!!!!
The ride home was kind of squishy, because we all rode over in Daddy's truck. I had to ride on the floor.. which at first I wasn't too excited about.. but Mom said I had to... so, i got as comfortable as I could.. and even feel asleep. I like outings but they certainly make me tired!!!
The next day at camp, Mom and Dad hosted a big cookout. Lots of friends and family came.. which also includes many dogs. My family certainly are dog people and mostly where they are... so are the dogs... it's really neat.
They fried a big turkey, and let me tell you.. didn't that smell good when it was cooking. All the dogs - not just me - would have loved a bite of that.....
All the humans enjoyed it, that for sure.. along with all kinds of other foods too.... we dogs just hung out, some of the "pet" dogs got a taste, but no us "working dogs" (do you see my friend Noble there????)
But I like going to camp... it's fun. Mom said though time is coming and we won't get up there anymore. She said that in the winter, we dont' go to camp...
Winter??? wonder what that is...
but for now.. it's just ...
the days with Debbie!!!!
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