It's the middle of summer here on the farm. Everything is so pretty and the days are perfect. I like being out in the warm sunshine and playing with the other dogs outside in the dog yard. The field flowers are in full bloom and since my Mom is also a bee keeper she is very happy to see "a good food source" for her bees....
Abbie comes to play with me as often as she can. We have a good time running out in the front yard. Today she was wearing her fairy wings, and wasn't very happy with me if I tried to grab at them. Mom says that she is teaching me how to play nicely with children...
but I do hear... "no Debbie, leave it" quite often... Abbie isn't afraid when I get rough with her and she knows how to say "no" too... guess I have a bit to learn about playing with kids.....
It was a busy weekend here at the farm..Sadie (Abbie's Mom) got married. Sadly I didn't see much of the wedding.. the humans were so busy doing many other things.. but Rick was there, so he came in and took me out for lots of breaks from the kennel. It looked like fun and there were lots of people to visit with... Mom said if I had been a little bigger she would have had me out more.. but puppies need a lot of watching.....
The next day (Sunday) was more fun.... we went back to the beach and met up with Lee (a puppy raiser from New York) and the humans had a big cook out. They used these special pots to cook the food....
And that's my Dad... who was in charge of the cooking......
And this is "what" they cooked.... Lobsters!!! My Mom really likes lobster and will eat as much as she can ...Dad isn't a fan of lobsters..... I think they are kind of strange looking, but they did smell good... though I didn't get even one little bite....
It was such a fun afternoon.... most of the puppy raisers were there... plus the puppies of course.... this year, I am the baby of the bunch.....
Abbie came with us.. and she tried to explain it all to me... I'm not so sure what she meant about everything, but I was just happy to be there with everyone......
I got to play with her and the other puppies.... (I know ...I shouldn't be biting... she told me that).....and that's Moxie in the picture as well......
this is Zuzu (the poodle).. her Mom, Bernice raised a puppy and now helps out with the group if ever we need to do a puppy swap. Beside her is Linda.. she is raising Rayvan.. and of course, there is Abbie and me..... our group likes to get together a lot, so you will see these dog and people in the blogs to come... we know how to have a good time....
Tom (from new york) said he was going to "steal me away"..... but I wasn't worried.. besides, I like being a Maine/farm dog... so I think I'll stick with Mom and she was she has to teach me...
and that's this "day with Debbie"......
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