It was a hot summer day.. and the city seemed to be so much hotter than it is on the farm. Mom said she is getting used to the city... see I'm her fourth puppy in training, and so she has been coming to the city "quite a bit" with her puppies. She says that because of us, she thinks the city is "an ok place... to visit!!!"
Even though I had told Moxie all about the city, seems as though Rick had to give her a pep talk... I think she likes being a country dog more than being a city dog!!!!
We certainly weren't the only dogs working that day. Mom caught sight of this team ... she thought it was pretty neat.
I paid careful attention to all the things Mom had to tell me. I really do enjoying working and being out and about.
Puppies on the streets!!! this is me... Moxie and Monty... (and that's Jackie - way in the back)
We worked on the streets for a while, and then went over to the hospital. Riding in the elevators is always an experience... Moxie and I are thinking, "that's a long way down there"...
I for one, was glad when the humans decided to take a little break and have lunch. It gave me a chance to take a little nap and get some energy back.
After our break, it was over to the train station. Dave loves to have us working on the stairs... we practice going up slowly, and stopping to wait, and just all sorts of different things. Monty is doing a good job on his stair work.
Then, when the train arrived... we went on that. I didn't mind at all.. it was cool on the train. Dave worked with me for a time, and when he asked me to "down" between the seats, I was more than happy to do so.
but, again, by the end of the day.. we were running out of steam. I kept telling Dave that I was ready to go home... he asked me to just be patient. Uggghhhh
(I wasn't the only one that wanted to head home.... could Moxie be any clearer???)
Seems like all more stories are ending the same way.... tired puppies. But, it's how it should be....
off for more adventures....... Bogey
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