last day on the farm...
It's been a busy week with Mom and getting ready to leave. I have been going everywhere with her and saying goodbye to my friends. But, they're planning on seeing me again --- at graduation.
Mom took me when she got the oil changed in her car. We had to wait in the waiting room, but there were a lot of people there with us, so I thought that was good.
Abbie came along with us.. and began to get bored waiting. So Mom told her that she could practice some of my commands. She loves to do that, and for the most part I do understand what she is saying. "Lap" I think is her favorite (mine too) but when I get up on her lap, she says... Norton.. you squish me!!!
We have had great fun together. But neither Abbie nor I understand this college thing. Abbie keeps asking Mom if I will see Ginger.. (because she knows that Ginger went to college too) Mom says "no" that Ginger is done with college and lives in her new home... but we still don't get it.
We also went to see Samuel make his senior class presentation. Lucky for us.. his topic was all about NEADS.. so of course, the service dogs had to go and watch. Samuel did a really nice job and we even got to go on stage at the end with him...
The presentation was done at a big auditorium, Mom said getting between the seats and being quiet was a good practice for me (Moxie was there too). But it was just like the movie theatre we went to, so I have done this before.
And I didn't think I would NOT be getting a bath. Seems like I get the ALL the time, but when we have a trip coming up... I know the drill. I even surprised Mom and jumped into the tub myself......
Abbie watched closely and told me what a good boy I am....
and after my tub, it's into the drying crate.I went to doggie class with Mom and Camille and said goodbye to all the students. We're on the road bright and early tomorrow. My days here on the farm have come to a close and it's time to move on. Mom is already pretty sad.....
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