Look who made the front page of the local newspaper in Princeton, MA.... our Ginger!!!! Now that she has her matched, she is waiting for her new owner to come to the campus and begin their training together. In the meantime, to keep their skills up and keep them "busy" while they wait... NEADS puppies head out on all kinds of outings. One being "Dogs at your desk"- people volunteer to take a NEADS dogs to work with them and give them the experince of an office enviroment. Last week Ginger spent a day at the town office in Princeton. She looks pretty comfortable at her "desk job" don't you think. It was a great article and the volunteer handlers commented on how well trained the NEADS dogs are and what a joy they are to have around. I love seeing her so happy and am having a hard time waiting for the 25th (meet and greet night)... honestly, it's just like Christmas.... I have seriously thought of bringing out my little Christmas countdown calendar just to get me threw the days!!!!!!!
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