join us during the wonderful days of raising a "NEADS" service dog puppy --this is done in the memory of my dear litte dog.. "Moxie" who was my companion for 13 years, and brought great joy to my life
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
It's official
Hard to think of where the year has gone......
and that one of his best buddies has already completed her studies....
And come the fall (with a bit of training and prayers) we will have another graduate...
All our love will be with you Otis buddy!!!!! do a good job at school.. you know your parents will expect nothing less than "A's"
Sunday, April 15, 2012
they call it flyball...
After our day at the airport, we were on the road again. Our first stop was at the Kittery Trading Post where we did some work with Rangley and his family. Silly Mom didn't bring her camera in so she didn't get any pictures of us working there. But for me it was just another "store"..although, I will say, we did have lots of visits with people who just couldn't seem to keep their hands off me...especially the kids. Our next stop, however, was quite interesting......
Mom called it a "flyball tournament" and talked about action!!! You could hear the dogs barking out in the parking lot.. and when you got inside... this is what you saw. Dogs, running down the "lanes", jumping over the jumps.. hitting the box with balls in it, and flying back again. Now, this was neat and I think I could have tried it.
I watched as the lined up, their humans were as excited as the dogs were. Balls were rolling all over the place, and everyone was having a really good time. Lots of people stopped to talk with Mom and I, but I just watched those doggies playing.
This is how they "lined up" waiting for the green light.. and then they were off.
We were there quite a long time. Mom said she had to "help pick up after the tournament". I watched for the longest time, and then was just as happy when Mom said I could hop up on the bench and sit with her.
This is the team - Maine Coast Runners - who hosted the tournament. You know, I have realized that there are so many different things that dogs can do. We are pretty amazing creatures when you think about it!!!!!
Mom's friend Shirley and her dog Casey... they love this sport.....
Yup, it's been a pretty good weekend, and I have seen some neat things.... wonder what's next...
Ready to go... Norton.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
field trip to the airport...
Otis's Mommy went on a trip last week. She had to go on an airplane, and so Otis and his Dad took her to the airport. When they got home, Otis's Dad told my Mom what a great place the airport is for service dog training. My Mom thought that was a good idea, and when it was time for Kelli to return home, we joined Otis and Rick for some training at the airport. After they got the car parked, we headed to the elevators for a ride into the airport. No big deal here, I like elevators!!!
Just thinking, this could be a really neat day....
We arrived at a place called baggage.... I know you don't see them in this picture, but there were all these bags going around on this "thing".. and people were stepping up and grabbing the bags off it. It was pretty noisy and busy, but I thought it was fun. We even saw a few other dogs walking around here.
We walked all around the airport. So many different sights and smells.. and all kinds of people, speaking in all kinds of languages. To be honest, Mom seemed a little up tight, but not me... I just strolled along. And then I found something that I knew would make Mom happy... a really big cup of coffee!!!! Too bad it wasn't "real".. but Mom appreciated the thought.
We did some sitting time too... just to watch the "world go by" as Mom puts it. We saw so many things, and so many people. I wished that a couple of them had stopped to say hello, but everyone seemed to be in a quite a hurry. I did get to say hello to a couple of children (which I truly love).. and then they were off to parts unknown.
Just chillin'.... and for some reason this really pleases Mom.. she says that a "relaxed attitude" is always good.
And then, from out of a huge crowd, there was Kelli - Otis's Mom. Boy was he happy to see her!!! and she was pretty happy to see all of us....
Then, we headed back to "baggage" so that Kelli could get her bag. Otis watched carefully for her bag. (at least he acted like he knew what he was looking for... I think it was just a show-- he really didn't know) I decided to watch the bag things too, couldn't have Otis looking better than me, ya know.
As were we leaving Mom spotted this. She said we should give it a try, that not only would it be good practice, but it might be needed.....
Well, neither Otis nor I "needed" it... but it sure had some interesting smells... I could have stayed there a long time.. Mom said "no"....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012
We have a MATCH...
The most wonderful news came in the mail today... Ginger has a match!!!! She has gone into the ministry program and has been matched with Rev. Jane Milaschewski. Such exciting news... we have a meet and greet at the NEADS campus on April 25th... I can't wait to meet her and see our girl again...
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
news from Cabela's.....

The next day, Auntie Linda took me to work with her. She works at this really neat place called Cabela's. It's very busy there with all kinds of people and I felt right at home!!!

Making new friends is one of my favorite things to do. And I have a feeling they like me right back!!!

When she had a little free time, Auntie Linda took me on a tour of the store. There are all kinds of interesting things to see and do. She even let me try out this tent and told me that humans go camping in them .. sort of like a portable house... course I'm thinking, it's a lot like a crate--for people!!! (think I look pretty good laying in this tent!!!)

Course, it's not all play. Auntie Linda does have her work to do. So, I had to do some down stays and wait quietly while she was doing the things that needed to be done. That's OK.. I can do it....

Yup, this puppy swap idea... it's a good thing. I'm really enjoying my time and seeing the world from a whole different side. I'm thinking this "service dog thing"... it's pretty fun.
ready to go... Norton
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
graduation and puppy swap....
Hey everyone.... take a look at this, we have a new graduate in our puppy chapter!!! Little Monty (who really isn't so little anymore) graduated from his puppy training classes!!! His Mom, Kathleen, tells him there are "miles" to go, but step one is now done.
This is Monty's class. There is one other puppy there you might know... the little black cocker towards the end of the line... that's Henry!!! He has been adopted and now has a family of his very own... he also has a new name --- Shadow. He told me, it doesn't matter what the humans call him, he is loved and that is what really counts!!!!
It was a beautiful afternoon, our friend Bailey had come to play. (he's a goldendoodle).. as you can see we have a really fun time together.
but, then Mom called and said I needed to come inside. I'm a good boy and I come when she says....
However, I didn't think I would be going in the tub. I really don't mind the tub, but I would have much rather stayed out and played with Bailey. Mom says that I'm going on a "puppy swap" and I have to look my best.
I ALWAYS have to look my best.... sometimes I would just like to be a "dirty" farm dog... but Mom says that's not for me!!!!
Oh hum.... well, I'm wondering what this puppy swap thing is all about... I'll let you know!!!
ready to go.... Norton
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