Well, that was a fun night!! The Mom's and Dad's of us puppies, decided that we should all meet at the mall and have a little time training together. I love it when I can hang with my buds... no matter where we go. Otis didn't look too excited about the whole trip, but he's "older" now and knows all about these kind of things.
This is Savannah... she is a hearing dog.. she graduated last year and now works for her Mom. I hadn't met her before, but she is a nice girl. Her Mom is certainly happy to have her....
There are a lot of exciting things at the mall. One of them being a carousal... Abbie couldn't wait to get on and try it.
Mom brought me over so I could take a closer look at it. I thought it was fun to watch and every time Abbie went by she waved and said "Hi No-ton" ( that's what she calls me!!!)
Mom and me by the carousal.... (really Mom, we have to stop dressing alike!!!!!)
Here we are!!! The Maine puppy chapter....
Abbie and Otis... they look like they've been up to something!!!!

Checkers and Monty are the babies of the group. We have so much to teach them......

but you know, I'm still just a baby myself...

Mom and I pose for the camera....... (she has to quit wearing her black vest, because you can't see me!!!!)

So, there you have it... our fun night hangin' at the mall. Ya know, this service dog thing...it's pretty fun...
ready to go... Norton!!!
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