Sometimes, it's hard being a dog... well, it's not hard to BE a dog, but it's hard to understand these humans that I live with. Something is up and I can't quite figure it out... first off, Leo and I both got baths. And not that I haven't had a "hundred" baths before, but it seemed as though Mom wanted it to be even "better". She went over and over me, and then poor brother got the same treatment. Course, once we were nice and clean, Mom said no more running out in the muddy yard...

Then... all evening, she kept taking lots of pictures and telling me to "be a good dog" and that I have some really exciting things coming up. She took many pics of Abbie and I... she said that she wants to be sure that Abbie will remember me.. because she's so little and might not.

I love Abbie... always have!!! She gives me lots of hugs and kisses, and when we go out to eat, she likes to peek under the table to see me... and tells me "good girl Gingeeee".... (then I thump my tail!!)

Pics with Tatter and Camille.....

and more with Abbie.....

I'm a bit worried... something is up for sure... I hope these humans are going to be OK....
This made me cry!! They both look so sad in that first picture!!! I know it's so so so so hard, but think of all the good she will do. You will get to see her again just like Chester and then you will feel it... then you will know you did this for a reason, even if it breaks your heart right now!!! 143