This has to be one of my favorite types of days..... I always know when one is coming up, because we doggies get a bath a day or two before... but, I just never know exactly what we are up to.. until we get there. So this morning, we met in the parking lot and I knew that we were here for one of our special visits.
Course our first visit is with each other.... this is me... Livy, Camille and Moxie... having a quick hello before we go in to visit our other friends.
My human friend, Bernice was my partner today.. Mom took Livy and Camille with her..
Linda was there with Sasha... who was (is) being such a good dog. Look at her sitting and watching her Mom so closely...
All of us love visiting our friends... they smile and laugh when they see us. We get lots of hugs and kisses, and what dog wouldn't love all of this attention. Livy got a little tired and had to take a break, but she was soon back visiting again....
Here I am, getting a nice neck rub from my new friend. These doggie visit are just the best... Mom says they're good for us too... not so sure what that means....
The time goes by so quickly.. and even though we are tired at the end of the visit...there is still just enough to have some play time out in the parking lot before we say goodbye.
but afterwards... once I'm back in my crate, it's nap time!!!! (and it doesn't take long to fall asleep).....
Early summer on the farm... there seems to be a lot going on. Mom says it's time for the hay to come in, and so we head to the field. There are alot of people here to visit too, but everyone seems busy loading all the hay onto the wagon.
With all that help, it doesn't take long to fill the wagon to the top and we head to the barn to put the hay away.
Using the elevator, the bales go up into the loft, and is all tucked away for the horses to eat all winter long. Mom says she "feels better" knowing that the loft is full again.
The ponies get a chance to try this years hay, and from the way they gobbled it up, I think they approve. I, on the other hand, would prefer my kibble....
a year with Danny Boy!!!!
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