Sadly, the snow didn't last too many more days. Mom said not to fear, it will return... One morning, we all hear the guinea hens making their warning call. All of us dogs ran to the windows to see what was going on... Mom ran outside....
At first she didn't see it, but she knows that the guinea hens were upset.. and we dogs began to get very excited too.... and then ... this is what all the excitement was about... (do you see him??)
Yup.. that's him.... a fox!!! a big fox!!! Fortunately all of Mom's chickens are in the coop, and the guinea hens can pretty much fend for themselves... but Mr. Fox seemed annoyed that he had been spotted. He spent some more time hunting for mice in the field.. Mom enjoyed watching him... and told us all to "hush" and leave him be.....
Because of Thanksgiving and some other things going on... Mom said we needed to make a point of getting out and doing some "mall work". So, we called Kass and Reagan, and met up with them at the mall.... I love Reagan....
I really was hoping he might just hand me that toy... but he kept it to himself. We walked up and down the mall... Mom likes me to walk beside the stroller and that what I can learn how to keep away from the wheels.There was a man there called Santa... Mom was hoping I could have a picture with him, but that didn't work out....
So, they decided to go into the coffee shop and get a snack. I know what to do around food and restaurants... find a place to do an "Under"....
Reagan enjoyed looking out at all the people going by with their shopping bags and all....
But I just got comfortable under the table until it was time to go. Mom says that the mall is going to get pretty busy from here, and since she doesn't like that.. we probably won't go back again until after Christmas.... either way, I am happy just to go whenever Mom decides... but today was fun with Reagan...
another day with Debbie!!!!
Mom says that today is Thanksgiving.... but before I tell you all about that, I want to share a couple of other stories. I don't think I have told you that "we" have a turtle!!! Now, Mom has all kinds of "critters" (as she sometimes calls us).. dogs, cats, horses, chickens... a bunny, guinea pigs... but sometimes we forget about our turtle.. who's name is Titus!!! and not that I have much "to do" with Titus, but I do enjoy watching him in his tank and it's just another "animal" that I know about.

So.. the snow... it's been really fun and I love having it out in the dog yard. I like to run and roll in it... and I like to eat it too!!!
I'm pretty happy and excited about this snow.. but Mom says it isn't "anything" compared to what will come... hummmmmmm...
that sounds good to me!!!!
I find that Mom and I now go on many trips together. Sometimes we bring Camille with us, and sometimes not. Mom said that now I can be "trusted" ( with the whole potty thing).. I am easier to take. We went to the garage where Mom has the "oil changed" in her jeep.
Everyone loves me there and they ask how I'm "coming along".. but they also know about the other puppies that Mom has raised... so she often has to tell them "what everyone else" is doing....
"Gee Mom.. I thought I was your only one!!!!"
See what a good girl I was while waiting at the garage. Mom had me practice "under".. "leave it" "stay".... and then I got to say "hello" to the people there. This is fun, I like that I can go on bigger adventures now....
So, as I said.. it's Thanksgiving, and really the only big difference I noticed was how yummy the house smelled. I would have liked to jump up and see that turkey... but I have better manners than that. The other dogs wanted to try that turkey as much as I did (and I will say at supper time, there was just abit of turkey in our meals!!)
The family came and everyone sat around the dinner table. The cockers and I just laid quietly out of the way... we know that begging at the table is not allowed.....
Mom didn't get many pictures of me at Thanksgiving... I think she was busy with the family and all... but that's OK... I will just tell you it was a fun day.. I liked having Abbie and Reagan here to visit.. plus all the other family dogs came too. So it was a busy fun day and Mom says that "officially" the holidays have begun, and from here on... we're going to be busy...
and that's another.... day with Debbie!!!!
It's a funny sort of thing... I feel like there are changes in the air. It's colder when I go out in the mornings... and it's darker when Mom, Camille and I head out to dog class. The house is nice and warm, and I smell wood smoke in the air...the leaves are all off the trees.... Mom says the "seasons have changed" and that one day soon, we could have lots of snow, which she says I will love...
But, for now, I am finding that sunny spot by the french doors in the living are my favorite place. Every afternoon, when the sun lays in like this... you can find me right here....
Mom and I take all sorts of "adventures and field trips".. she tells me that the "holiday season" is coming (wonder what that's all about) and that we will have lots of things to do and see. I remember going to "harvestfest" not that long ago.. so maybe she means things like that. Guess we'll see.....
And then, here we go!!! This event was called the "Festival of trees" and we went at night. It was cold, but everyone seemed so happy and filled with high spirits. There were lots of lights, music and Christmas trees... and people!!! Lots and Lots of people, and probably the most crowded place that I have ever been....
There were things that moved and once we got into line we walked by many things. Plus, sometimes we were outside and sometime we went inside. Lots of people stopped Mom to ask questions about me, why I was there and what I was training to do. Mom is used to answering questions!!!!
Abbie came along with us. I love it when we go out together, she loves me and she is always telling me what a good puppy I am. Abbie loves to have her picture taken with me, and many times she stopped Mom and said... "Baby (that's what she calls Mom)... can you take a picture of me and Deb.???" and so she did....
I really liked being out on this trip.... Mom said that I was such a good girl and that it was important that I behaved as I should. Especially where there were so many people about....
These are called Christmas trees... (so I learned).. and from what Mom said, I guess we are going to have one in our house!!! (but that comes after Thanksgiving - which I understand is next)...
But, back to this story. One of the displays that Abbie and I liked the best was "the doggie's tree"... there were many toy dogs that were nearly the size of me and looked so real. Abbie said that maybe I should stay with this tree and see if the people knew which dog was real....
So many trees and pretty things to look at...
And when we went into different buildings, I had to really be good - which of course, I was. One of the funny things... I always sit and wait patiently when Mom is busy with something else (like looking at Christmas trees) and the people around us thought that was so amazing.... I like being 'amazing"....
Mom liked this decoration.. she says she might make one for herself....
It was a fun night... but aside from all the activity... I began to smell something very nice in the air.......
And when we got back to the farm.... this is what I saw (and smelled) Mom said .. "the snow has arrived"....
This is snow??? It's wonderful!!! Mom let Abbie and I stay outside for a little while (it was late and cold)... I found it so amazing, it's cold and wet, but it's pretty and fun to run in...

Mom tells me this is only the beginning... that we will get snow many times and that it's now winter. I guess too that the snow can get deep... however it works out... I think I am ready for snow....
and that's another day with Debbie!!!!
As we got into the car this morning and met up with all my other puppy friends... Mom told me that this is a very special day... and maybe one day... I'll will have a special day just like this... I'm not too sure what it's all about, it just feels like another adventure to me, but Mom and the other puppy Moms seem very happy and excited about it all. They call it "graduation" and I think I need to pay attention and see what this is.
When it we arrived, it was pretty crowded, there were lots of people and dogs there. We found out seats and Mom talked to the people sitting around us. I heard her say my name several times and told everyone about me... I like to hear Mom talking about me.....
The only thing that concerned me, was Mom seemed sort of sad and sort of happy all at the same time. She kept wiping her eyes and said that she always forgets to bring kleenex when she goes to "graduation". I guess this must be pretty important.....
After a little bit, we saw all these folks up on stage. Mom told me this was the graduating class. Wow... look how many "teams" there are.... John got up and talked, as did some other folks. Mom was really enjoying all of this, I could tell.....
and then, after the speeches... groups of handlers and dogs stepped forward. They told stories about their dogs and the experience they have had with NEADs and now living with service dogs. There was lots of clapping and I saw that other people were crying too. I'm not so sure why these people (including Mom) getting all upset.... but each time I checked in with Mom.. she told me that everything was really OK.
Mom was pretty happy to see the yellow lab on the right... she told me his name is Radar...Mom knows his weekend puppy raiser and Radar is also going to be living in Maine. So, even though Mom doesn't know Radar or his handler personally... she was very excited to see them and have the chance to watch them work together.
I finally gave up and went to sleep.... I know that this is a special day and that Mom and the others were greatly enjoying it.. but for me, it was just a spot where I had to 'be good" and "do my work".... actually I don't mind, just being out and about is fun with me.
At each graduation, Mom said they have some of the "trained" dogs show what they know. This dog is Hope... and it turns out that Hope spent some time on the farm with Mom. She is also Rylie's sister... and Rylie was the last puppy that Mom raised.
Hope is really clever girl, but Mom has told me that I can do things like this as well, and that one day, my advance training will help me learn to do this. Right now, though, Mom and I are working on good obedience, and great social skills.....
After the graduation ceremony we met in the hall ways. There were treats (for the humans).... and everyone was happy and talking. It was very crowded and hard to walk, but Mom said that was good training for me. I just stuck close to her side and did what was asked. A lot of people asked about me and wanted to know how my training was coming along.
Not that I really noticed, but Mom said that all the graduating dogs wore red vests instead of blue... now I think I am beginning to understand what Mom means when she says to me...
"Debbie... it's all about the red vest"... so, until the day comes when I might receive a "red vest".. I'll just keep working with Mom and studying my lessons....
and that is...
a day with Debbie!!!!!
This morning, Mom got me all dressed up and said that we were heading out on an adventure. She said that we were going to meet up with Otis and some other "puppies in training" and have a fun time together. Sounds good to me, I like adventures. We met with Otis at Cabela's and just as we were talking, in came the other puppies.....
This is another working dog group called ACTS... Mom and Otis's Mom, Linda, know many of the folks with ACTs... so, it is always nice of them to invite us along on one of their field trips.....
They are a nice group of dogs and people, and it was fun to work with them. Mom thought it was very good for me to work with other dogs that I have never met before. I don't see what the big deal is about that, I like everyone and know how to do my work.... but I guess that is what Mom wants to be sure of....
Otis and I hung out together and waited our turn to try new things. Otis comes to Cabela's alot, so none of this is really new to him. And for me... just tell me what you want done... I'll do it!!!
This is my friend Friday... he is a working dog and helps Suzan out with all sorts of things. Mom worked near Suzan and said that "it was good for me to be around her scooter"... I just liked walking threw the store and being near Friday.....
Cabela's has all sorts of neat things... one being the huge fish tank. I stood there and watched those fish swimming around for the longest time. It was peaceful. Mom talked with the other people, and said that this was such a nice outing for the both of us..... I agree... we practiced up and down the isles... walked beside the shopping carts.. looked at all the big stuffed animals.... so much to see and do....
Then we walked over the near the "shooting gallery"... it made all sorts of funny sounds and there were "things" that moved all around. I was pretty interested in this.....
I think I would make a great "gun" dog.. but Mom says that isn't the work that I am heading for.. too bad... it would be great fun to chase all these things!!!! But for today, it's just a place to watch and see what there is to see.
Mom says that I am getting old enough now to do more field trips like this one. (I guess because I am very good about never going potty inside)... so as far as I can tell... my adventures like this are going to happen alot.... but that's all good with me and is just another
day with Debbie!!!!!