Some weekends are fairly quiet weekends at home, and others... well, Mom can run my little paws off. That is how this past weekend went. Here I am spending some quiet time with Abbie and Tatter (chewing on a toy that Abbie gave me)...
And then, we're off. Saturday evening we met up with Kelli, Rick and Otis and went to a movie. Mom thinks it's important that I do all kinds of things, and "movies" are on the list.
I don't know what the big deal was with movies... for me, and Otis, it was just another time doing "under the table". I guess maybe the sound is a bit louder than the TV at home.. but, once I got to snoring, maybe it was a good thing. The neat thing is, the people who sat next to us, didn't even know that Otis and I were there, until the end... when we came out. Mom says that's one of her favorite things.. to hear people say "I didn't know you had a dog with you!!!" she says that is a real good thing.
The next day we skipped church and went to a motor cycle ride. Well, I didn't ride of course, but Dad and Rick did... and so Mom and Kelli --- and Abbie-- and Otis and I all went to see the bikes and watch them leave on the ride. There were all kinds of bikes.. in fact, hundreds of them.
Here's Otis and his "biker Dad"... Rick....
and we got all kinds of attention. All the humans were pretty busy telling the folks all about us, NEADS and service dogs in general. It was a great place to "schmooze"
OH dear.. I forgot to say that Camille went too (she'd be upset if she was forgotten) and she got plenty of attention for herself. Biker folks seem to really like dogs.
After we hung out for a bit, it was time for the ride to begin. Have you ever heard over three hundred motorcycles start up at once. Let me tell you... it's pretty cool. We sat and watched them all go by... you can tell how impressed Otis was.....
It was a pretty day to be by the ocean. I wished we had had more time there (I liked the wind blowing threw my curls)... but Mom was anxious to get on the road and go to the place where all the bikes would be coming in. So, another day will be meant for seaside work. I hope it's soon.
We got to the place where the bikes would be arriving well ahead. There were a number of people there waiting to watch the bikes like us. One person in particular seemed to be rather important.. or at least Mom thought so. She said his name was Angus King, and that he had been the Governor of Maine. She said that she would love to get a photo of Mr. King with Otis and I.. and you know what.. Mr. King thought was a good idea too. In fact, he was quite interested in hearing all about Otis and I. We took several pictures together... does that make us famous too???
And then we head them... a low rumble at first, and over the little hill... they came. All the bikes that had done the ride. Now this ride was in support of all the men and women who are in the services and take care of our country. So, it was a very special event. Especially when I think that some of our service dogs become companions for veterans. It took a long time for all these bikes to get into place. We visited a while there, talked to more people about service dogs, looked at all the bikes... and then because the humans were hungry.Went and got a bite eat at a restaurant. Again for Otis and I.. under the table.. and again.. more comments from people who sat close by saying they never even knew we were there.
So, after such a busy day, you would think Mom would have seen enough. But NO.. she then saw that a group of soldiers would be landing at the local airport on their way over seas.. and nothing doing.. we had to attend that as well. It's called a "greeters".. and Mom likes all her dogs to attend at least on greeters. Off we were again.
More veterans to say hello to, and let them know how much we love and support all the work that they do. For me, just more greeting of nice people and wishing them well.. which I really enjoy doing.
So between meeting Ginger again on Wednesday, check in on Thursday, movie and a dinner on Saturday, bike ride on Sunday and a greeters... I can say I am one tired dog.. and I was pretty happy to be home and fell right asleep in my crate. I kind of hope next week might be just a little quieter...
Ready to go... Norton.
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