Hello everyone, it's me again... Ginger, and look who I got to meet last night.. Mom's "other" puppy Chester!!! From what I understand, Chester was the service puppy that lived on the farm last year... which means, (I guess), that I will not always be living here - but that's another story.. anyways, Mom, Dad and I traveled to NEADS for a "meet and greet". Mom was so excited and talked the whole way down about Chester and how she couldn't wait to see him again.

Chester is now a service dog, and has been matched with a gentleman named Micheal. He looked pretty proud and even though he was happy to see Mom again, Mom knows that he isn't "her" dog anymore. Mom thought Chester's new person is very nice, and she was so happy to meet him and talk about all the things that he and Chester will be doing together.

Mom is always telling me that one day, I might be able to be a service dog, and though I don't know exactly what she is talking about, it sounds pretty important. She also tells me that not "just" any dog can be a service dog, so I guess that makes me kind of special in a way. I know that we are working hard on this, but I like my work, so it's all good.

Our people sure did spend a lot of time talking, so Chester and I just decided to snooze for a bit. It does seem that we spend a lot of time waiting for people. I don't know what they can on about, with us dogs.. it's a quick hello, perhaps some playtime and they we are done..... Humans!!!!

But it was a fun evening, and Mom "hated" to see it come to an end. Chester told me that he was pretty tired from a long day of training, and he was ready to retire for the evening, and then start his new life out with Michael. Mom gave him a big hug and a kiss... and then we were headed home ourselves. "One day".. she kept telling me ... "One day, it will be your turn...." but since dogs live in the moment, I won't worry about one day.. and just think about the now...
Love, Ginger
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