Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog!!! This was a pretty special day.. even if it's so cold... Mom said we were going to "spring graduation". Well, I have no idea what "graduation" is.. or "spring" for that matter, but we were in the truck and on the road.. and for me.... that always means fun!!! Camille came along as well, so we're in for a really "big" day.

We met up with Kathleen and brother Leo.. and then... we went and got Rick too!!! So, I knew where ever we were headed, it must be special to have so many of our friends with us. And then, we got Teena and Freedom and I got the idea it must be a NEADS event.. because when this group gets together.. it usually mean NEADS!!!
This time, we didn't go to the campus. We went to a beautiful motel. There were lots of other people and dogs there.... including Deb and Rusty. Here's a nice group photo of all of us (except for Camille, she stood with Rick when he took this photo)...

and this was what all the excitement was about. Mom told me this is a very special event, and if all goes well... one day, there will be a graduation for me as well. All I know is that there were lots of great dogs and people, lots of applause and tears.. Mom says they are happy tears, but I was a bit concerned.

For Leo, Freedom, Camille and I.. much of this great event was spent laying quietly under the chairs. But Mom kept saying we were very good dogs.. so really, that's all that matters!!!!

NEADS is thirty five years old this year. Which means I am in line with a long list of other service dogs, both past and present. To celebrate this special year.. a new logo has been launched, and we were among the first to see it. Now, I know this is more of a Lab type dog.. but we goldens don't mind!!!!

After graduation, my favorite part came.. attention from many people. I love attention... and the more pats I got, the better I liked it.

As with any day we do NEADS things, it's a tiring day to say the least. So, by the end of the day and the ride home, both Camille and I were very happy to cuddle up together and just enjoy the ride home. So.. graduation??? ok, I've decided... I want to have my own graduation!!!! Now, back to work on it......
love, Ginger
You are well on your way Ginger!! You did great that day!! It was soo nice to meet you and your Puppy mom! (and family)