Wednesday, January 19, 2011

back at the hospital...

Hi.. it's Ginger.. I hope the title of the blog didn't worry you, I am just fine!!! But, I have been doing my service dog "work" at the hospital and I will tell you all about that in just a minute. Let's talk SNOW!! I am loving the snow and when I get the chance to be outside in it.. I'm there. We have alot of snow right now, and when I go out to play, it's more like swimming that running. Fine with me.. I eat it, roll in it, hop in it.. dig in it.. and simply have fun.

This is Tonka.. he is one of Mom's horses, he likes the snow too. Course, he's a lot bigger than me, so he doesn't have to swim in the snow.. he plows thru the snow!!!!

The winter days are happily going by. I do all kinds of different things, here I am playing with baby Abbie. She was tossing a ball for me, I chased after it and brought it to her. I kept waiting for her to tell me to "drop it".. but I don't think she knows how to talk. She kept telling me to do something, but I couldn't figure out what she wanted....

However, when she reached into my mouth and took the ball out, I pretty much figured what she was trying to say. Oh well, I like Abbie .. she and I have a good time together.

Mom and I had such a good time "training" at the hospital, that the next time we went, we asked Leo and Kathleen to go with us.... I really can't call this "work".. we love going into the hospital. People are always asking to pet us and watch us do out work. Now when we go, they even know us by name....Mom and Kathleen are planning on taking us there at least once a week.

We call these the "slippery stairs". They are covered in tile and the footing feels a little strange at first. Beside the hallway that they are in is loud and echos... it's a good place to work. Here I am watching brother Leo as he heads down the stairs...

but lucky him... some people came to use the stairs and he got all their attention on the landing.

I wanted it to be my turn so I could meet some nice people!! Both Leo and I can easily do stairs, it's just that we have to do them the way our humans want... usually that means slowly and one step at a time. They even make us stop and wait on the stairs. It seems sort of silly to us.. but it's what we need to do.....

and then... we hear the words... "time to go".. Not that we care one way or the other.

Leo and I are also in puppy classes.... it's great fun that we can be together so much.

so.. snowy days, service puppy training, and puppy classes.... what more could I ask for.. and until we "meet again"... Love, Ginger!!!!

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