Do you know what this is???? Mom said that we were going to go and watch Craig "play"... I know what "play" is, but this isn't what I was expecting.... though I will tell you right away.... I love SLED HOCKEY!!!!!
Craig is a dear friend of the family, he is a young man and when he was in Iraq, he was wounded, and lost one of his legs. But, Craig isn't the kind of person that let's that stop him, he does all kinds of neat things, and sled hockey happens to be one of his favorites.
The ice arena was cold, Mom brought a blanket for me, thinking I would lay down while the game was going on.... what was she thinking, this has to be one of the most exciting things I have seen, and I sat right up the whole time and watched the whole game....
That's Craig... number 77.... and let me tell you, he plays a "mean" game.... (he won't say, but I will.... he's one of the best!!!!)
The game is super fast, the players fly by on their sleds, chasing after that little round "puck" thing (I would like to try and retrieve that!!!)... People yell and cheer..... and you can feel the excitement everywhere....
Mom and I were so busy watching the game, that we didn't realize for quite awhile that people were watching me too. Everyone was smiling and pointing and enjoying how much I was enjoying the game....
Craig's team is in the lead.......
and then, if the game wasn't exciting enough.. the gentleman sitting in front of me, pointed out something else....
Would you look there.... another service dog!!!! waiting in the 'box" while her handler is out playing on the ice.......
And over in the other "box" for the other team... another service dog!!!! Two service dogs.. who get to watch sled hockey all the time... are they lucky or what????
Craig's team won.... and after the game... both the service dogs got to go out on the ice and even though neither person needed help, both of them helped bring their owners "in"
I could do that!!! I could be a service dog for someone who likes to play sled hockey!!!!
I was hoping that we might be able to get on the ice (with the others) but Mom said, no ... it wasn't allowed. Too bad, I would have liked to talk with those other dogs....
But, all was not "loss"... I did get to meet two friends of Craig's (one plays on his team).. they both that I was pretty nice and asked Mom all about me.
and as we were leaving the rink, we met up with this little gal, who knew all about NEADS... and wanted to give me a hug and have her picture taken with me.
This was such a great adventure, I'm hoping that maybe we could go to another hockey game before I have to go... but, only time will tell. So, I will just keep this as a great memory... and chalk it up for
another day with Debbie!!!!!
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