my first graduation...
We were up early this am, went to get Rick and Moxie, and on the road. Mommy says we are going to "graduation" (guess I will find out what that is).. I was happy to see my pals... here is Kathleen, Linda and Linda!!! There were lots of other service dogs, puppies in training and people. It was fun, there was lots of excitement in the air....
And then, we saw Pastor Jane and Ginger!!! Mom said this is Ginger's graduation.. her official recognition of being a true service dog... her official title is "ministry dog"...Ginger was very excited to see all of us...
This is the first time that Ginger got to see Rick... Mommy had already seen Ginger when we all went to her church.
We got to visit for a bit, and then it was time for the graduation ceremonies to begin. Mr. John Moon opened the ceremony.....
And both Camille and I knew just what to do when the humans got seated and were listening... we just settled under the chairs and slept while we waited. Mom is very pleased when I do this, she says it's important I know how to do this... (I really don't know what the big deal is, I think it's easy to "sleep")
There was a guest speaker, whom Mom enjoyed very much (Nick Trout).. and then it was time for the graduates to take the stage. When it was Ginger and Pastor Jane's turn... Mom and the other puppy raisers were so excited. Mom told me that one day, if I work really hard... I might be up on that stage....
After graduation, we all got to visit again -- and take lots of pictures. Even though Mommy will have the chance to see Ginger... in someways, this is good bye. It's time for her to go on to her work... good thing Mom has me to worry about now!!!
When it was time to head for home, Ginger gave Mom a hug....
But, she went right back to her Mom. Ginger knows who is who... but it makes me think that one day I will have a new Mom or Dad...hummmm, do I like that idea??? Well, no sense in thinking about that just now....
A good bye kiss for Rick too... and then we were packing up and heading for home. So, I have been to my first graduation, and with luck.... there are more to come!!!!
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