I had to go and the vet this past week - on April 1st as a matter of fact. It was time for my operation and even though it wasn't much fun, I know it's something that "big" dogs have to do. My vet, Dr. Spahn took very good care of me, and when I got home, Mom said that I needed some days of rest. I really didn't like being in my "house" so much or wearing this silly cone thing... but it was just a couple of days and I was feeling back to my old self. Glad that is behind me, and we don't have to think about that anymore!!!!

I got to go to a birthday party!!! It was a surprise birthday party for our friend Deb. I had great fun and got lots of attention.. there were a lot of people there - and food - but I was a good boy. Mom got to talk alot about me and NEADS and we found out that someone there knew a NEADS dog and handler team... that was pretty cool.

On Easter we went to church...that's no big deal, we go to church all the time. I like church, everyone there looks for me and asks how my week has gone. I pretty much just sleep under the pew, I like the soft music they play there. On Easter there were more people than usual and some were surprised to see me ... but that's OK....

Then, on Monday after Easter, I went with Mom (and Camille) to have the oil changed in the truck.We had to sit in the waiting room and be very good and quiet. Fine, but a bit boring......

And then puppy school again. Here Sadie and I sit and wait for our turn at graduation. Do I look a little tired... I am, puppy class wears me out.

I know that most of the pictures in this blog show me working... but believe me, I have lots of "down/play" time... Mom makes sure of that. She even stays late at puppy school so I can have play time with my pals... some where in this golden bundle is Josie... my dear golden friend...
Next week, we have another visit at NEADS... and some special trips coming up.. so come on back and check in...
until then, I am yours................Chester.
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