Sunday, December 27, 2009

haven't forgotten..

Hi Everyone, well if you have been checking this blog, you see that not too much has been written here lately... couple of reasons.. my Mom has (had) been quite sick for the past couple of weeks and hasn't felt up to doing much. We were suppose to meet with the other puppy families a couple of Mondays ago, and she was just too sick to even go there... we were both "bumming". And then with the Christmas holiday, we have been just so busy doing all those sorts of things.. and thirdly... "our computer" is broken, for now we can borrow this computer and do some postings but can't add any pictures. However, I can tell all of you that I am doing very well... I have done some "field trips" and can go a little longer each time ... today we did Walmart for nearly a half hour!!! and I have been to see the doggie doctor... got some shots, but I didn't mind. I also met "Santa" and visited the fire station and got to see the big trucks. Hopefully, the computer will be fixed soon and Mom can post some stories in details along with all the cute pictures she has of me... so, stay tuned, we'll catch up as soon as we can.... Love Chester.

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