Today, we were up bright and early. Mom had all the farm chores done, and we doggies were fed, walked and ready to head out the door. Mom said we were heading out to do a very special visit and have a really fun time. We met up with Linda and Otis, and Rick with Moxie... and we were on the road. We were heading to Linda (K) house and a visit that she had planned with the children at her library.
As you can see, there were a lot of people there. Linda K talked about all the jobs that dogs can do.. and then went on and talked about service dogs in particular. The children and the adults had a great time, and afterwards.. got to visit with us and ask many questions.
We love to visit with the kids. That's Otis in the front, I'm in the center... getting a nice tummy rub.. and that's Moxie down on the end of the line. Mom also brought Camille and Olivia... they were the "therapy dogs".....
If this is what service dog work is all about... then I am quite sure it's a job that I can do!!!!!
After that wonderful visit, the humans took a little drive around the area that Linda K. lives in. It's by the sea.... My Mom says we are so fortunate to live this close to the sea. I'll tell you, I would have loved to have a swim, but she said we couldn't today....
This is a tribute to the lobstermen, many of whom have lost their lives out on the sea.......
It was a great spot for a group photo.... and we have... (l to r).. Camille, therapy dog... then there's me, service puppy in training... Moxie is beside me.. she's a therapy dog.. Livy (Olivia) is in the front.. she's still training for everything!!! and on the end is Otis.. who is our demo service dog....
Livy and I were telling secrets......
We went to Linda K for lunch and a rest. Funny how such a fun day can really make you tired. And then afterwards, Linda wanted to be certain our humans saw this special landmark. It is all made by the sea, and it was a grand walk out to it....
And such a pretty place to visit. The air was so good, the breeze was just perfect... a great day to be by the sea....

We are very lucky dogs!!!!
a year with Danny Boy!!!!
We left camp today to go on a very special outing. Mom said this would be a day of some pretty important things, and that I would have a lot of attention. We went to see "the traveling wall"... a miniature version of the Vietnam Wall which is in Washington DC. When Mom raised my half sister, Rylie... they went to DC and saw the "real wall". We might go there too, in December.. but for now, this one is pretty nice.
We arrived there early.... Mom wanted a chance to look at the wall, when there wouldn't be too many people. And she also wanted to help set up a tent where Linda would have all kinds of information on NEADs and service dogs.
As people began to arrive, you could sense how special this tribute is. And for being outside and with so many people, I can tell you... it was a very quiet place.
Mom said this is one of the trailers that carry the wreaths down to Arlington National Cemetery in December. We are all hoping we can go and help lay the wreaths out again this year. But, that's a long way off right now.
I watched as people came to visit.. I got so many smiles and pats... people asked my Mom lots of questions about me, "what" I was doing, and service dogs in general. It was a great way to spread the news....
Here's our information tent. As you can see, it was a good thing we had it, because a rain storm went threw. Made for a wet few minutes, but the nice thing, it also cooler the temperature down. (and I was getting quite hot)...
These ladies are the "Freeport Flag Ladies"... they are pretty famous around here. Every Tuesday, since Sept. 11, 2001... they have stood out on the sidewalk in Freeport Maine, and held up flags.. honoring all the people who were killed that day. They have no missed one Tuesday since then, they stand in all kinds of weather... and help us to remember....
I was getting a bit tired and this nice little boy scout offered a soft spot for me to rest. ( I love kids!!!)
Abbie was tired too.. so during the speeches and ceremonies, we both decided to take a little snooze.....
Otis and I posed for a photo... lots of people stopped to take them........

It was all about remembering our veterans... honoring those who have served us so well....
I'm always happy to give them a hug!!!
a year with Danny Boy
This is Banjo (the chessie) and Charlie (the cocker) two of my friends. They belong to Mom's daughter, she calls them her grand dogs. And we have come to the most wonderful place in the world... a place called Camp. Mom says that we will "go to camp" very often now that it's summer, but this trip, we are here to stay for a whole week.....
I simply could not believe what I saw when we got here. A whole big lake.. and then, when Banjo and Charlie ran right to the water and hopped it, I was so excited. I might not be too excited when we go to the city.. but this whole lake thing... IS my thing!!!!
I'm not so sure if I can "do" what the other dogs are doing... Mom calls it "swimming".. and the others... even the cockers know how to hop right in and go... but I'm thinking I must give it a try!!!!
It's certainly fun to splash in, and sometime, little waves of water come at me....
And I must admit, it tastes really good.......
ya know... I could just stay right here... all day!!!! with the weather being so hot, this spot seems really perfect!!!!!
And then, finding a little stick to chew, while laying in the warm water.. well.. let me tell you, it just doesn't get any better than this!!!! (and to think we have a whole week here!!!)
Swimming... I can tell you it's the best!!!
And I think I'm going to be "wet" for the entire week......
And playing with my dog friends.......
At the end of the days, all of us are like this. Camille has found her own little spot... all the swimming, playing and walking that we are doing.. makes for very tired puppies at the end of the day....
And then the sun comes up the next morning, and the lake is there.. waiting for us to come out and enjoy another day!!!! I think this place is magical....
with just a few days of practice, I learned how to go right in. Mom still kept a careful eye on me, but I'm a lab... swimming is "what" we do!!!!
I am one happy dog!!!
And when I'm too tired to actually swim. Standing and floating work really well. Mom says she has to pull me out of the water!!!
Livy even tried her hand (er paw) at swimming. She did a pretty fine job, but I don't think she loves it as much as I do. Besides it takes her much longer to dry off than me!!!
Abbie has come to camp as well. In fact, there are lots of people coming and going and lots of dogs as well. It's a very happy time... company, good food, friends to play with, walks in the woods... swimming... I think I could easily become a "camp dog"...
Hunter and Trev enjoy their naps on the dock. They are the "old" dogs and they do swim, but not as much as they did when they were puppies.
Livy... taking a break....
Abbie and Livy...
So, we spent the whole week at camp. It was great.. but Mom says we will be back again all threw the summer. that is good news to me... I can't wait to be back...
a year with Danny Boy!!!!