Last Saturday, I went to a baby shower!!! Now, I didn't really know what that was, but I can tell you, it turned out to be great fun. The shower is for Kassy, because she is going to have a little baby in March... and there were lots of presents, people and food.
The people came to wish Kassy good luck and bring her gifts, but because most of them know me too.. I got a lot of attention. And when Mom was busy doing shower "things", I hung out with other people. See what good "unders" I can do, even with food on the table... Mom says I am a very good girl!!!!
Yup, that's me "hiding" under the table. Many of the people didn't even know I was there, and they were so surprised, because they would say to Mom "where's Rylie, you always bring her with you".. and Mom would answer --- "look under the table!!!". Maybe that's what a service dog is, "someone who gets to go special places because they can be so good"... or at least that's the part I have figured out!!!!!
But last night, we had a very special adventure. First off, it was an extremely cold night, and usually (unless Mom has to teach dog class).. we stay in on nights like this. However, not tonite.... we went to a place called Planet Dog.. which was really neat... it's a great dog store. However, that isn't why Mom brought me there......
We were here to meet "Tuesday" and his owner Lois Montalvan... they have written a book all about service dogs. Mom has read this book and said it's very good, and so she was very excited to think she would be able to meet them. Mom says that if you have never read this book.... you should!!!!!
Lois had lots of things to say to all the people that had come to see him. He talked about how his Tuesday saved his life and how service dogs make such a difference. Course I could tell you that, but some people don't know and it's good that there is a book to tell them. Mom really enjoyed hearing Lois speak.....
Me???? well, I just waited quietly, like I am suppose to......
Afterwards, Lois met and talked with everyone...... and since it was such a cold night, there weren't too many people there. He also signed copies of his book... this is Mom's friend Kathleen and her service dog Brutus.....
And when it was Mom and Dad's turn to talk with Lois.. they even got a picture taken. Mom has been writing to Lois for a few months, so he seemed very pleased to meet her in person.. and me too of course. (And I know.. Mom and Dad look like twins in this photo - they actually do this quite often!!!)
We weren't the only puppy folks there, Kelli,Rick and Moxie came... and so did Bernice, Steve and Zuzu.... Lois was so happy to meet the Maine chapter. Rick brought a very special coin to give to Lois, he was so surprised.....
And then another photo opt (I snuck in on this one too.....)
Tuesday is used to all this public attention, he and Lois travel around the country and talk with lots of folks. Moxie and I were getting tired, it had been a long evening....
Life of ........ Rylie!!!!!
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