We popped into the vet to say good bye to the the girls there and to Dr. Spahn who took such good care of me over this past year. He donated all the visits, shots and of course the surgery and Mom and I are very grateful to him.

Course, my days around the house were pretty normal, except there seem to be more pictures being taken.

I played with the cockers, kept an eye on the cats, went back and forth to the barn.... played with Abbie and all her toys. (I never could get this ball in the middle of this toy - but everytime I touched it.. it lit up and I thought that was pretty neat)

We just seemed to be on the go all week. Fine with me I love to travel and go...

Saturday, Mom's family all came to the farm. It was AppleFest here in town, so they came to see that and then over to see me off as well. Naomi didn't realize I was leaving so soon, and when she heard, she gave me a big hug and told me that I was very special... I love her... I love all kids!!!!

Sunday evening, we met up with Rick and Kelli and went to dinner. You might notice that Dad isn't here int he photo.. that's because he was at the NASCAR race (actually he was there all week - working on a wrecker, but that's another story). I took up my usual spot under the table until the meal was done, and then Mom wanted to get this one last shot of "dinner out".
So, tomorrow it's back to NEADS... the time has come when I move to "college" and begin phase two of service dog training. There will be one last post to this blog and my story here on the farm will be complete. It's been a fun "year"... it's been a fast "year".. and even though the blog wasn't as full as Mom had hoped.. there is enough of it to show where and how I began...
and so, until the next post... as always... I am yours.... Chester