Hi Everyone... it's me, filling you in on "what" Mom and I have been up to lately. Last week, we met with Kelly and Freedom (and their Moms) and took a road trip to NEADS. Mom was excited to meet up with Dave and show him "where we are in training", we hadn't seen Dave in quite a while. It was a beautiful spring day and the trees and gardens outside of the NEADS building were beautiful. Course, never have seen "spring" before, I'm not sure what it's all about... but that's OK.
After chatting with Dave for a bit, we al
l loaded into the car and headed into the city for some "street training". Now here's where this gets interesting, you see.. my Mom is not a "city gal". As you know, we live on a farm and that is where my Mom is comfortable... this business of being in the city.. well, let's say we had to keep her calm. We started on a street corner, just to get used to the noise and the like.. as you can see, I was just more interested in what Mom had to offer than the cars and such buzzing around us. (Maybe I should have brought treats to give to Mom). Actually she looks pretty calm here, but I know her better than that!!!!
From there we went into a parking garage. I was fine here too, but I have to admit it was pretty loud, and windy and cold there. I might have had a little trouble paying attention here. Dave was great and gave us all kinds of tips to try.. but the trouble is, we don't have anything like this to practice with at home!!!!
After the parking garage, we went to this big hospital. There were ALL kinds of things to "work" with there. Here Kathleen and Kelly are practicing the word "under". Mom and I need to do alot more with this "command". I'll go under but she needs to do alot of coaxing.. and I really should just go when she says. It's just a matter of "practice" and we both have to do it. "under" is an important word, and I dare say it will be used alot when I get to my real job.
THEN came the elevators!!! For me.. no problem.. it's like anything else that you ride on. I just have to step in and sit .. and enjoy the ride. But "poor Mom"... she HATES elevators!!! She doesn't like the tight spot, nor the feeling you get when you ride in one. But she was "very brave" on got in and rode with the rest of us. I am beginning to think all of this "service dog" training will end up being good for Mom!!!! In case you didn't notice, this particular elevator is "glass", so you can really see what is going on around you.
By now the day was getting on, and I have to admit, I was starting to get pretty tired. I am, after all, just seven months old and I do run out of steam. Aside from all the "things" we were training with, there were a "ton" of people that we watching us and talking with us. I like people, but after awhile, even that gets tiring. Mom wanted to get this photo of me with the glass elevators in the background. But I think I look tired in this photo.
Here's Mom and me... posing for a picture of this wonderful, busy day.
and then it was back to NEADS, to load up and head for home. Mom has a whole list of things that we need to be working on, and we have plans to go back next month for more time with Dave. Mom finds that very helpful.
As for me, well... this is pretty much what I looked like on the ride home.....yup, this service dog thing is a lot of work.... but FUN!!!!
and until we "chat" again... I am yours...
PS we got "word" from Deb the other day.. she has been "matched" with a hearing dog named "Rusty" and they will become a team within the next month. We are so excited for Deb and hope that we can see them at graduation!!! Congratulations Deb!!!!