The next day was "Thanksgiving" and that turned out to be a very busy day... it began with a trip to the barn. First Mom put on my "working coat".. I'm not too thrilled about that.. I don't understand why I need to wear it, none of the other dogs in the house wear one... and I spent some time trying to take it off...

When that didn't work, I pitched a little fit rolling about the floor, but that didn't help much, and in fact, it made the people in the house just laugh at me. Seems this is just something that I will have to get used to.. Mom says I will have to wear it alot until I don't fuss about it anymore.

So, we went to the place called the "barn" I don't know what to tell you about it. It was fun, and exciting, and scary and interesting all rolled into one. Some things were familiar ... like the broom, I tried to help sweep, but kept getting asked to "move" out of the way...

So, after that I thought I would just stand guard over the grain buckets and watch what was going on.

Then, Mom took me to see some "flying things".. she calls them chickens and guinea hens, and tells me that I am not to bother them or bark at them. (that was pretty hard to do)... so, I just sat and watched them for awhile. These "flying things" were penned up, but there is one.. (his name is Mr. G) that is loose. I decided not to bother Mr. G.. he's kind of "mean".. well maybe not mean, but he makes a lot of noise and I just thought I would give him lots of room.

After that I met "Mocha" she is a small version of those big things that Mom called horses. I didn't want to have anything to do with the big ones, but this small one seemed OK. I didn't get too close, just in case - I had no idea what she might do, but actually she was just too busy eating grass... er.. hay I think Mom calls it. When I get a little bigger I am sure I will feel much better around these creatures.

In the afternoon, "family" came for dinner. Everyone just loved me, but there is one little girl who became my best buddy. Her name is Naomi and she was so good with (and to) me. We had a great time rolling around on the floor together...

And she gave me all sorts of hugs and tummy rubs... I liked her very much. Mom said this was a great introduction to "children".. I like children....

Naomi worked on my sit command, but I just had more fun being a puppy.

There is another "child" in the house, a baby named Abbie. She's kind of neat, but doesn't do much, so I had more fun with Naomi.Just the same though, baby Abbie makes all kinds of strange noises and has all this "equipment" around the house, so it's nice that I spend some time with her as well. Here's a picture of the "babies" together.
And last but not least, today, Mom took me a on very short trip to a "store".. it was fun going inside, lots of people.. lots to look at. We only stayed about 15 minutes, and then I was thinking that was more than enough..so did Mom, so we packed in and came home. And that's my report of the past two days... I have a feeling there will be lots to tell you as time goes on....but I think I am off to a very good start..
He's just too cute!