Our first adventure was traveling back to NEADS for our check in. We were suppose to go the end of May, but all the humans were busy with other things, so we opted for going the first Thursday of June. And here we are... Mom thinks that all of us (T, Leo, and Me) are really beginning to look like service dogs, instead of service puppies.. we are all growing and learning - that's for sure.

This trip we went into the big city. Now, Mom has taken me to small towns and small cities, so this was a new one for me. My Mom isn't exactly what you would call a city type gal, so, she doesn't go to them on purpose, unless of course, it is to do something for me. I didn't really mind the city, it's noisy and busy, and there is lots to look at.. but overall, there wasn't anything that "bothered" me.

We went into a parking garage, where actually the grates on the floor worried me more than going in the elevator. And then we moved over to the hospital, where again, the grated floor in the entry way made me a little jumpy. Mom told everyone else to go ahead of us, and she and I just stayed and walked over that grated floor again and again. I finally got used to the idea of it, but I won't tell you that I exactly liked it. Course, if Mom says that I can do something, I believe her and at least give it a try. She then said that we need to be looking for more "grated floors" to practice with.... so,I guess I better just get used to that idea!!!! After we got over the floor, we "played" on the stairs, slippery floors and the glass elevator. Again, I wasn't so sure in the elevator, (but Mom doesn't like them either ... so I guess I am in good company)... and it really wasn't so much the elevator, as it was being open and able to see out of it... that's kind of scary....

So, when it was time to say goodbye to the big city, and head back to the farm.... I was happy to take another look, and move along. However, I found out that this is just the first of (many) other trips that I will be making.....

Now, will you look at this???? We have another puppy coming to live with us in Maine!!!! All the Mom's were so happy to hear that another pup is going to be on our team...... course, we all had to check him out...

Say hello to Otis!!!!! We weren't exactly sure who he is going to live with, but I did hear the name "Rick" and we all wondered if Otis will be his dog for the next year.....

Life is good here on the farm. I am a happy dog, and always see the fun side of things. You all know how much I loved the snow, but I have to say, these warm days, green grass and time to play are just as good....
And then, just when I think it can't get much better than this... look what Mom brings home. Two cocker puppies for me to play with. Well... maybe not exactly "for me"... but, they're mine while they're here. Mom also helps out with cocker rescue, and these two little ones, needed a place to stay until someone come to love them. Mom told me I am a good baby sitter.....

Not too sure "what" a baby sitter is, but I can tell you, I sure have a good time with these two. We play all kinds of games, and I love having them follow me around. I let them jump on me, and we play games of tug and just enjoy being puppies together.

Actually, I am very good with babies of all kinds. Abbie and I have become good friends, and she loves to cuddle up with me. (I like cuddling up with her too)....

Not too sure "what" a baby sitter is, but I can tell you, I sure have a good time with these two. We play all kinds of games, and I love having them follow me around. I let them jump on me, and we play games of tug and just enjoy being puppies together.

Actually, I am very good with babies of all kinds. Abbie and I have become good friends, and she loves to cuddle up with me. (I like cuddling up with her too)....

Since I am so good with children, Mom was happy to bring me to Naomi's graduation from pre-school. Naomi thinks I am pretty great, and I like her as well. Actually all the kids at the graduation thought I was pretty special. It' so nice to be able to go out and about like this, I understand not all dogs can (or do!!!)

Now, you know that Mom is always looking for new and interesting places to take me. On Father's day weekend, we went to our local small plane airport for an "open house". There were a lot of people there, who loved coming over and asking all about me. It was also a "fly in", so many small planes were flying over ahead and landing on the runs way not too far from us. Some of them were pretty loud, but I just enjoyed watching them.

Mom and I don't have that many pictures of the two of use together, because she is usually the one taking the pictures. So.. when this nice lady asked if she could take a picture of the two of us.. Mom was pretty pleased... Me too.....

Here are some members of our fire department - did you know that Dad is the Fire Chief... they had a contest to see which team could pull this big plane the furthest. My Dad's team came in second place... so we had to show their photo!!!!

And leave it to Mom, she makes me practice everywhere.. she even had Sadie take my into the port-a-potty..... guess you never know where a service dog might need to go.. so practice makes perfect!!!!

I even got to ride on the "trolley" at the air port. (it was really just a big car) but it had plenty of room and to be honest, I was getting quite tired after a day of walking all around. It was nice to be able to stretch out a bit and take a little ride back to the car instead of walking.

The next Sunday, we went to an event called "dock diving"... and of course an information table with NEADS (we have to keep the word out about us!!!) The dock diving thing was kind of neat... the dogs run off a dock and jump into a pool, and the dog that jumps the furthest "wins".
It was fun to watch, but I don't think I'm much of a diving dog.. I'm not sure if I like the water.

Aside from a lot of people, brother Leo was there. You know, I always love to see my brother. We have been so lucky to "be together" all this time. Mom says I am going to miss him when we both head to "college"

Now, remember baby Otis, well as it turns out, he did become "Rick's dog", and so Otis lives close to Leo and I. Joe and his partner came to the event too, it's nice to have Joe come, because he has already graduated from "college" and is Russ's helper. Mom had to get a picture of baby Otis (in training) and Joe (graduate) and she said to Otis "it's all about the red vest". (I guess she used to say that to Chester, and she says it to me all the time!!!)

Another event that Mom took me to this past month was an African drumming demo. This lady sure could make some noise on those drums, and there were lots of kids that came as well. To be honest, I wasn't so excited when she first began to play. But Mom told me to "settle" and then she kept her hand resting on my head, until I figured out that there wasn't anything to this... other than then the noise...

so, I just decided to take a little snooze and wait until it was time to go home. Mom loves it when this is how I behave... so I guess this is a really good thing.
June 30, we all went back to NEADS for our check in. I love going on these special days, and we had a "big" crowd... me, brother Leo, Loyalty, Freedom and "baby Otis". Dave thought this would be a good time to play on the lift. He let us watch it go up and down for a little bit, and then offered yummy treats to anyone who wanted to get on it. Well, as you can see, I was more than happy to jump on!!!

Poor baby Otis, seems like he runs out of steam!!! but I have to remember he is so much younger than we are, and when I was that little, I always got tired too. Now that I'm a big girl, I can go all day long.....

After we played on the lift, it was back into the city. And did I tell you... Leo and I got to see sister Clover again!!! It was a real family reunion. She is doing very well, and Mom couldn't believe how much we all look alike. It will be really cool if we all went into the service dog work....
Course, we had to ride on the elevator again. I am doing fine with "regular" elevators, but these glass ones - still need some work. Course the fact that Mom isn't great with them either, isn't much help. She tries to be brave, but the truth is, she "hates" them and I know it.
It was a fun day, and after a nice drink, we loaded in the truck and headed for home. Another training session done.. and another month gone by. Mom says the time on the farm is going quickly and she keeps telling about the next step in my training. I don't know exactly what she means, but it sounds important.

I have, however, told her, that she really needs to stay up to date on my blog... because these days are one that will soon be fond memories....