Thursday, November 22, 2012


My Mom says that today is "Thanksgiving"... my very first. And though I don't quite know what she is talking about (do I ever know what she is talking about??) I can tell you that the house is filled with excitement and wonderful smells. I watched Abbie this morning help her Mommy in the kitchen.. Abbie told me she was "cooking"... (and had to wear her fairy wings to do so!!!)
And then I watched while Mom, "set the table" and was very busy pulling out all sorts of pretty plates. I sort of got under foot following her about as she did this, but she only told me to "move"... which I did.....
Then, later in the day, the whole family (well-- most of the family) arrived. The house was filled with sounds and smells. Everyone was happy to see me, they tell me I am getting bigger... and then, while I "rested" in my crate, they all sat down together and ate a wonderful meal. Sadly, I didn't get any of it... but neither did the other dogs....
After dinner, they went out to barn and hitched up Duke. Mom wanted to take everyone out for a little cart ride. I would have loved to go to the barn, but when Mom is busy with the horses, she doesn't let me go....
Maybe one day, I'll get a ride in the cart.. Mom says I have to be good enough to "sit still" while "she is driving"... I think I could do that....
But the best part of "Thanksgiving", for me anyways, was when Naomi and I got to play together.....

Happy Thanksgiving everyone...

the life of... Rylie!!!!

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